Uncle Fred came brought Aunt Mary up for the Ladies Convention to be held at the School Hall, with dinner 50¢ a plate & program this afternoon. Uncle Fred & papa went out to Henry’s sawed wood this afternoon. Rose & Berti went to the Dentist, Rose got 1 pulled & 1 filled Berti got 1 filled. Richert of Dupo was here this morning, engaged 2 hogs for 2 weeks & bought 2 pigs from Henry $2.00 a p. [a piece]. Mr. Edgar Wittenauer & Miss Alsace Eckert are giving a free birthday dance in Kammlers Hall tonite; rang over lines, everybody invited. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, there were so many ladies at the hall today, over 200, for dinner was served, chicken, dressing, peas, turnips, mashed potatoes, cake, cranberries on lettuce & ice cream, ice water & coffee; a big day was had; a quilt was raffled to a Lenzburg lady. We all went to the dance, nice crowd, Koehler’s Orch, in which Edgar plays drums. Rather cold again, froze ice last few nights.
Sunday, Sept. 30, 1934
We were at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. The girl that Fr. Stern raised was married to Johnson on Labor Day at Red Bud, last Thurs. noon she looked in the mirror & shot herself in the head, died 5 o clock; she was cashier in Packing House in St. Louis, were she will also be buried over there. Mrs. George Gregson who was taken to Red Bud hospital last week was operated on for appendix, & will be removed to her home tomorrow. Josie Kaiser is keeping house. We drove to New Athens, Lenzburg; Happy Hollows: to see Mr. Hamill, he wanted to buy binder or trade on a cow. Steve came here when we got home, told us Chas. Kern & son of Columbia was here looking at drill & binder. Seen some beautiful country by Lenzburg.
Tuesday, June 12, 1934
Awwful [sic] wind & rain last night. Papa & Rose went to Belleville with load hogs. 3 to Strecks, 2 weighed 355 lbs. at $3.70, & 1 sow, 290 lbs @ $3.00. We washed, ironed beautiful day pop is hauling manure. The umbrella & scissor sharpener was around, Miss Marie Fults, my 2nd yr. school teacher, & Clarence Heberer from Mascoutah were married Sun. morning at the Evangical [sic] church, of Waterloo, by Rev. Kochkeim, the attendants were, Miss Dorothy Werling, a friend, & Miss Luella Fults a sister to the bride. Elaine Kochheim flower girl, Donny Gleiber, nephew of the bride, ring bearer. Clarence Kinchoefer of Decatur a friend as best man, & Clifford Heberer, brother of bridegroom. The Wedding dinner was served at the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laf. Fults. They then departed in the afternoon for Denver Colo. for a visit with relatives; then to Boulder to attend summer school; Arriving home about Aug. 1. taking up residence in Mascoutah, where he is employed as teacher in the Public School; Miss Fults was teacher for 11 yrs. in the grade school, in Waterloo. Mr. Heberer is the son of Mrs. Conrad Juenger of Lenzburg. Miss Fults is also soloist for both the Evangical [sic] & Methodist Episcopal Churches, & a member of the Choir.
Wednesday, August 6, 1930
Today is a sale down by Lenzburg and Marissa. George Wagner is tearing his shed down and is going to build up a garage for his machine. John Kammler and Reuben are doing the work. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s all day. They took 2 chickens along for dinner. Bertille stayed home & ironed & patched. It was pretty hot today. Dr. Eckert’s father died from old age & heat. Mr. Rennecker came over on the porch with us a little while. Jacob Erle & John Wittenaur’s machine got smashed tonight. Wittenauer’s car was standing by Eichenseer’s when Jac. Erle came along and stopped to, he bumped into and knocked it against the tree over on the sidewalk & then back in the alley. Erle had a scratch on the chin. His car was pulled to Red Bud on a wrecking car. Wittenaur’s is standing in Eichenseer’s back yard.
Thursday, May 22, 1930
Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched & baked cookies today. Leona, Robert, Floyd were up this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. They got a letter today from Henry Keorber to come to a basket picnic Sunday at Rittemeyer’s woods. Tonight there is a Public dance at Nick Schaefers barn. There was a man at our house this afternoon, by the name of Mr. Sparks. He sell the Wayne Feed but Papa wasn’t at home. He was out at Henry’s with a guy from Belleville that wanted to buy a mule or the mare. But he didn’t buy neither one. Uncle Fred and Papa went up to the creamery this evening to see if they could get some cinders. But they couldn’t have none right now, but maybe later on. Aunt Mary was saying Bertha Wolf could die anytime now. She got operated on for appendicitis and now she is awful bad sick. They phoned and left Mrs. Jatho at Hecker. I have noticed Edgar Herzog from New Athens and Miss Luetta Fanke of Lenzburg have their marriage license in the paper today. He is 19 years old and she is 18 years old. They go out playing music together. They play the accordions.
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