Wednesday, Aug. 18, 1937

Went out to Henrys filling silo, had 9 fellows for lunch, Schillings filled it. Leona got tooth pulled has large jaw. swollen for 3 days. Mr. & Mrs. Jake Orlet came down looked at peaches awhile this eve; want to take about 2 or 3 bus. when there ripe enough; still to green for canning yet. Mehrmann got 6 doz eggs.

Saturday, July 31, 1937

Went out to Henry’s threshing oats this afternoon. Had them for lunch, got 676 bus. pap hauled some of our share home; Uncle Fred helped him unload. Mrs. Geodelle & Bert [Bertille] & Leona, that was all she had. Isd. Helfrich is pretty sick, had doctor, priest yesterday afternoon; high fever. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. we went along to Smithton HomeComing. what a crowd; they said 20,000 people; attendance prize every hr; Henry Rittmeyer was one of the winners, to receive $1. prize.

Thursday, July 22, 1937

Nice day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, then went to get Lena & Wilma Birkner, threshing done at Buehler’s. Pap couldn’t go long to help Leo thresh, on account threshing here. Mrs. Mehrmann got the eggs last nite, 10 doz. @ 16¢, they have to go threshing at Skaer’s today. Hogs sure have a good price, $12.95 today. they were $13. this yr. already; everything going up. Rob. Merz & son of Waterloo painted Uncle Fred’s house & granary roof yesterday. Leona, Robert, Billy [Willis] came Bert [Bertille] went along up to Rose [Rosalia] this morn; had dinner, baked pies this morn. had threshers for lunch, got 258 bus. oats. Buehler’s threshing here, brought the lunch up this afternoon, pap had lunch with them.

Tuesday, July 20, 1937

Bert [Bertille] washed ironed & patched. Hy. Feurer is threshing this afternoon, on our ground Acker hauled the third here got 145 bus; he threshed 434 ½ bus. wheat off of 20 acres. & is threshing oats now, on our land also; brought us 70 hrs. oats our share. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Henry & family came this eve. Klotz threshing outfit was the only one that didn’t thresh today Chris Buehler said it was still to wet.

Sunday, July 11, 1937

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped a little while. Henry & family & Virginia Cortner were here this afternoon, for lunch. We had a pretty nice rain this afternoon. Smithton Turner pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & A. Mary & Bert. [Bertille] went this eve.

Wednesday, July 7, 1937

Went threshing at Leo’s, for lunch, dinner lunch & got 724 bus. from 36 acres; sure good. Leona & boys Mrs. Orlet & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all helping there. sure warm. Mr. Orlet had Frank Klein to haul two loads wheat for him, got $1.19 at Freeburg, brought coal along for Leo. Hy. brought sack pig feed down. Schilling threshing at Reheis.

Tuesday, June 15, 1937

Leona & Billy [Willis] were up for lunch & supper, she got brakes fixed by Probst’s, & we washed & stretched curtains here; she had to go to Ben Heyl’s to get Mrs. Cleveland, she rode up with her. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to the lawn & air social & card party. We went up to; started raining; had to play cards in school hall played 8 games. Pap had 5 & Bert [Bertille] 4 got 3 yds. dress good & linen dresser scarf crowd wasn’t so large; weather spoiled everything. A. Mary had & got tablecloth, & dish. Leo & Rose were down at store. not pinic [sic].

Monday, June 14, 1937

Worked gardens, Henry & family were here for dinner. took calf to Belleville got 8¢. Pap & boys put roofing on brooder house. Went out to Henry’s got load oats & corn that was still out there yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got card, inviting us to come to Luella Ronenberg’s wedding dance at Paderborn Sat. nite; also has a fish fry & dance Sun. nite.

Tuesday, June 1, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s washed quilts, 20 – didn’t get all dry, rained nearly all afternoon, pretty hot this morn. we replanted cabbage & tomatoe [sic] plants this eve. Eggs 16¢. Uncle Fred’s pictures came today, don’t look bad; Leona got them today.

Sunday, May 30, 1937

Went to mass. Priest from St. Henry’s College had mass, high & solemn coummioun [sic – communion], graduating exercises, benediction & enroll of Scapulars; took till 9:30 when we got home. Henry & family & we all went to Leo & Rose’s this afternoon for supper. Leo’s sister was supposed to come for dinner, but they never come. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to church with her, graduation exercise, May Devotion & benediction.