Saturday, Nov. 14, 1936

Went out to Henry’s took Leona & Billy [Willis] along to the funeral of Mrs. McDermott, very large; nephews pall bearers were Simon & Alois Havey, Gene Fahey & 2 McDermotts Luke’s boy’s. We met Uncle Ed, haven’t seen him for so long. Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Mohr’s sale at Red Bud, bought 2-5 gal. jars. We quilted all afternoon & eve. Awful cool night.

Thursday, Nov. 12, 1936

Pap got load corn fodder & Leona & Billy [Willis] came back with him, she helped quilt all day, the rest came up for supper & we quilted at nite, while the men went to Kammler’s hall to a poultry meeting given by L.D. Mertz, in regard to Wayne feeds. Pap & Bert went to Belleville, he got his upper set [teeth] today, & looked at Bert, getting along alright.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 1936

Berti 22 yrs old. The tree man was here, pap went out in woods all day, hauled wood out for them. We fried down bacon & sausage, cleaned things from butchering. A Zanol products agent was here, we didn’t buy from him. Rose took chev. to garage to get it repaired this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family & Omer were here this evening; played cards.

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1936

We butchered, pig 161 lbs. & Uncle Fred got it his from J. Henkel 234 lbs. Henry & family helped to. Josie Keller came for supper yet also, took sausage & ribs $1 & 2 doz. eggs along. Lizzie Boll went quilting at Wagners, came over here to see Josie first.

Sunday, November 1, 1936

Went to mass All Saint’s Day. Henry & family had dinner & supper here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, him Henry & pap went up to look around in woods. Some people have looked at heifers etc. Pautlers has free dance musci [sic] Rythm [sic] Kings.

Thursday, Oct. 15, 1936

Pap went out sewing wheat again with the spring wagons. Rose took load wheat to Waterloo $1.13, we helped Leona, washed & stretched curtains; no school today Teacher meeting. We had dinner out there. Wheat is $1.13 that is what we got. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. A Hucksteer [sic? – huckster], from Red Bud was here comes every Thurs. has fruit & vegetables, we bought bananas. Budde got our old radio, took it to Guker’s at Red Bud; we kept his Philco electric, on even trade.

Saturday, Oct. 3, 1936

We had beef soup dinner. Henry & Rob were also here, he cut clover hay & put the alalafa [sic] up. Oliver Ruhel came to measure ground. Rob helped him, & stayed here. Henry’s family came this eve. to get him. Geo. Boll looked at the disk; Nic Helfrich came account of hauling coal. Mrs. Geo. Hartmann has a new barn dance tonite & pig roast, music by Rythmn [sic] Kings, Ladies free. Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner stopped in.

Monday, Sept. 28, 1936

Raining all day & cooler. Henry & Leona went to Belleville. Billy stayed here; boys were at school. The town lights were put up today, we had lights all over town tonite, at 5:05, turned on over at New Athens. Mr. Bill Kammler died, yesterday morn, of a cancer & stroke, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at the church & cemetery. Mr. Guker of Red Bud brought Joe Walcthel radio up $42.50 pretty nice, Philio, also brought a $17.00 here, its small Philio, nice an loud, we should keep it for a week, till Sun. morn.

Sunday, Sept. 27, 1936

Raining all day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. Leona’s birthday, they went to Waterloo, Geodells cleaned there cistern. Ray Wittenauer is still the same yet, unconscious. Frank Kroll’s have a baby girl since last Thurs. the paper says.

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1936

Ironed, & patched. Picked the last peaches. Mr. Louis Widemann, Roy Staufenbiels wifes father shot himself in a wagon in shed, was buried this afternoon at 3 o’clock, found him last nite, don’t know how long he was dead, thought about 14 hrs. Henry & Leona & pap went out to the funeral. Billy stayed with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. we had watermelon. Adam Eckert came, got pickles that Aunt brought along for him & Freida. It is Chris Buehlers 22nd Wedding Ann. today. Ray Wittenauer is still unconsious [sic]. Lester said, he didn’t know his mother.