Uncle Fred went home, about 5 – then came back again, we ate, then us three went in, Aunt stayed here baked bread. Pap got operated at 10 min to ten, took 50 min, was to himself though right away, but has some terrible pains. Dr. Frein operated, he said it would be alright, all cured. Fr. Shoemaker came to see him last nit. Rose stayed in all day & tonite. Uncle Fred went home to work after dinner; Dr. Frein had 3 operations this morning, while we were in there, he told us. Sure warm again today, had a heavy rain at Belleville yesterday. Uncle Adams 86 yr. birthday. Henry & family came this evening. A corset sales lady was here. Uncle Fred went home this afternoon.
Thursday, April 30, 1936
Pap went Praire [sic] Du Rocher to McBride to get a sow. We baked doughnuts, Bert went along to Belleville with Henry & Leona, had to get Floyd’s hand redressed; looks terrible; they had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, lawned & planted cabbage & beans etc; went over to Minnie’s & got her dress finished 25¢ now. We planted 77 cabbage plants, & 87 sweet potatoes; this evening & tomatoes. Beautiful day, warm. Louis Armstutz’s have a big supper at there place tonite, Alumium [sic] cooking ware, there advertising, 2 men & lady from city are doing it, furnished everything; she had to ask 6 couples, Mr & Mrs Milton Wagner, Harry Kammler’s, Hugo Probsts, Lester Gregsons, Joe Wacthels, & themselves; supper to be at 7:30. Eggs 18¢.
Wednesday, April 22, 1936
Hauling logs all day. Uncle Fred helped to, they had dinner here. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to Minnie’s fixing her dress, Rose smocked it. Leona brought Floyd to the Dr; cut his hand in chopping box, fingers nearly of [sic – off]; took him to the hospital at Belleville, to see what they could do. Gus Geodelle went along in, she stayed there with the boy’s. Henry Birkner’s, Glenn fell from L. Birkner’s sink in Hecker here Sun, & bit his lip & tongue in through, & had to take it also to hospital & have it clamped together. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.
Sunday, April 12, 1936
Easter. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family all had dinner & supper here, rabbit laid 16 eggs. Rain this morning, & that means 7 Sun. rain. Jim & Dick, Roy [unclear], Pete played at Foster Pond tonite. There is also a free dance at Paderborn, Totsch’s Hall; Skaers music.
Tuesday, April 7, 1936
We went out to Henry’s washed, ironed, had dinner; she [Leona] is still in bed, & he has a bad cold to. Sure got windy & cold. It is morn. for awhile, frost; froze pretty hard. Eggs 16¢. Pap went to Meng’s with the mare. Bert Thompson came over too.
Monday, April 6, 1936
Cloudy, & cold; In Alambama [sic] had a storm yesterday, 1 reported dead. In Georgia Tornado, 1,000 persons dead, & 4 houses burned this morning, from cyclones; terrible in other states. Pap & Rose took load wheat to Waterloo & went out to see Joe Freund’s to see his cow; but pap didn’t want it, but made trade anyway – $75 – cash – $75 note, coming to look & get it Thurs. morn. Leona is sick in bed with flu, – cold. Mr. Saliger of Horse Praire got the cultivator $35.00 this afternoon. Wm. C Voges was here wanted to buy oats, thought it was to high price but was going to tell his son Charles. Aaron Papenberg the assesor [sic] was here. We went out to Uncle Freds, for supper; & on business, paid interest of $300.00 note.
Saturday, March 28, 1936
Pap got crushing done, & got hair cut. Henry came up got yeast, & brought a pr. [pair of] Billy [Willis] shoes to be exchanged. We went to Belleville this afternoon, went to church. Joe Griffin came & looked at our radio, repaired it, works fine now. Henry & family came this evening got the shoes again. Warm today.
Sunday, March 22, 1936
Pap & Berti went to mass. Rose didn’t go out with mumps. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here, we had beef & she bought some shoulder meat yet, Boy! mashed potatoes & saurkraut [sic]. We got a little horse colt this morning, it was peppy & all at once took sick. Pap went over to Ed. Meng’s, & he came over, gave it castor oil & syringe it, now it is pretty good. Aunt Mary & Berti went to church this afternoon. Henry & family came this evening. There is closing of the Forty Hour Devotion at Waterloo tonite. There was a lady here selling book for 10¢, for prosperity, some kind of bibles.
Tuesday, March 17, 1936
St. Patricks Day. We went out to Henry butchering; 1 hog. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came a little while there, he went up & got rocks from the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Reheis wake awhile. Henry & family came, boys stayed here, & Bert & Rose went along to Waterloo to the show $80 was won by Parson’s a guy working on the sewer there, the show was nice “Yellow Dust,” & the hall was filled. Wm. Doyle got 1 bu. clover seed $4.80 – @8.
Wednesday, March 11, 1936
Cold this morn. rained, & north wind. Papa went out to see Uncle Adam, he is better again, doctor comes everyday, he was sitting up again, pap took onion sets along for Emil, & seed for Leona, they went to E. St. Louis; today. Mrs. Hill came & got 1 gal. sour milk for 9¢ all she had brought. We went to Belleville, Bert got spring hat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, she visited Armstutz’s this afternoon. Church services tonite; we didn’t go. Rose went to Red Bud in morn, to Saxemeyer’s change the advertisement ad in there news. Levi Gregson came & got there onion sets from A. [Aunt] Mary.
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