Went to church, at Red Bud, Fr. Aydt had the masses again, Fr. Stern is getting along fairly well. Berti went out to today; Henry & family were up had dinner & supper, Fr. Aydt came & gave us a visit, last nite him & Fr. Simon were here awhile; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Berti went to the closing of the mission service, church was pretty well filled, several priests present, renewed the vows, etc. Rained a little. Pierre Laut got ½lb. butter. Clem Parker’s have a baby girl born last Thurs; christened Elizabeth Louise, Betty, Mr. & Mrs. Geo Parker, sponsors. Henry went to see E. Parkers about chix [? – unclear].
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1936
Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, washed & brought it along home; hung it in the basement. Leona is up, but doesn’t do much yet; the boys are pretty good; Floyd didn’t get the mumps so far. Eggs are 26¢ today hogs droped [sic] 75¢. Rose went to the show Waterloo.
Friday, Jan. 31, 1936
Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, cleaned, she [Leona] is still in bed yet; he went to E. St. Louis again today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came there awhile to; we were out nearly all day had dinner several people here from Columbia, Valmeyer, looking for sows & horses; our here yesterday, & got letter from one today; Miss Estelle Geodelle & Tunze of Columbia to be married tomorrow, had a shower, Herman Geodell’s daughter. Mr. Ed Classen, Freeburg Lumber dealer is in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Belleville, from a fractured hip, horse fell on him, went sleigh riding every day horse slipped, & by trying to help the horse, it fell on him, was taken in an ambulance. Mr. Fred Faust of Belleville, died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, church Catholic at Belleville then to Red Bud, cemetery Catholic; The Orbon Workers, have to present either at the house, or cemetery; he had been ill was taken to hospital, & returned again awhile back, now dead. When Jose [Josie] Keller was here on Christmas Day, going home she burned connecting rod out, had it repaired at Smithon [sic], stayed at Belleville, during that time; she wrote Aunt Mary a letter & told her about it; roads to slick, to come on her birthday.
Wednesday, Jan. 29, 1936
Warmer today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon; got 1 lb. butter from us. Leona is back home again now, but not able to walk much yet. The Paderborn players have there play over again, tonite “Path Over the Hills,” sold 80 tickets the last time, Wed. nite. Eggs 22¢. Made hand cheese today.
Sunday, Jan. 26, 1936
Went to Waterloo to early mass, went to see Leona, she sits up a little now. We went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner, & supper, Aunt Mary’s birthday, 59 yrs; Josie Keller didn’t come out. There is a free double birthday dance at Pautlers tonite; Jake Reheis had a back set on mumps, is very ill, had 105 fever. Awful cold tonite; Mrs. J Harsey Sr. died at the Red Bud Hospital.
Friday, Jan. 24, 1936
4 above zero this morning. Vic Braun came got our calf shipped, it with Mertz; radio price 75¢ lower. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, did cleaning, brought the wash along & did it this afternoon. The boy’s went to Waterloo, to E. St. Louis again, 3rd time this week, she [Leona] had got worse since Sun., but is somewhat better now; no school today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came helped quilt. Bill Hernner’s of St. Louis have another baby girl. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Reheis spent last weekend in St. Louis. Mr. Davis of Ames was here, looked at the horse. We get lot of milk now.
Sunday, Jan. 19, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here. Mr. Edler & wife of St. Louis was here to see them. Bert & Rose went to Dreamland Palace, with Mike Freund; Jimmie & Dick Orch. Boy! it as good; nice crowd. There about all sick at Geodell; Ray has got the mumps, he & she are also ill. Leona is still about the same.
Friday, Jan. 17, 1936
Hauptman, killer of Lindberg’s baby was to be put in electric chair today, but now has 30 more das [sic] radio said. Pap got load wood for basement. Cloudy today, east wind. pap got stuck going to the wood pile, & Jac Ganley pulled him put, he didn’t get no wood; he gave him 25¢. Mehrmann came got the eggs – 5 doz. 21¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got there saussage [sic] & grease. Rose & Berti went to Waterloo, got Rose shoes fixed & went to Geodells to see Leona for hour; she is pretty good but can’t walk very good yet. Authur Mechler who worked in Jung’s store, is not employed at Philips gas station north R.3 highway. Vicint Heck have a baby boy, now has 4 children. Mrs Matt Stahlmann died of a Auto accident Christmas eve, was buried this week. Mrs Rob. Mertz is recovering slowly, was operated at St. Mary Hospital, some one gave pt. blood to her. Mr Geodelle is laid up with lumbago; Ray has swollen cheeks.
Monday, Jan. 13, 1936
We washed, ironed, beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo with wheat $1.02 bu. We put quilt in frame, Star Diamonds. Stehl of Smithon [sic], looked at our stock. Leona is still the same, Uncle stopped there this morn.
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