Friday, Nov. 8, 1935

Pap went in the woods, Rose went along as far as Henry’s. Leona is sick again, chills & fever, like she was while back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, also Mr & Mrs Christ Kern & son Leo & Mr & Mrs Walter Kelley & baby girl, on business. A deaf guy was here with different articles to sell. Pap went out to Henry’s to get Rose this evening; she washed & ironed, Leona was pretty good.

Sunday, Nov. 3, 1935

Went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, chicken. Henry & Leona left the kids here & they went to Red Bud hospital to see Mrs. Emil Bestmann, she is pretty good, going home this week; had supper here when they came back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Pautler’s to Bertille birthday dance, & my what a crowd, we danced the first piece Rose & Bertille. Josie Keller & Miss Kuhn came out also, [Josie] gave Bert pair beads, & flower hankerchief [sic]. Cowboys played; & swell time. There was no other dances, except Donahue’s & one in Paderborn, but it was nothing, Paderborn people all at Pautler’s & lot of Hecker; all the neighbors.

Thursday, Oct. 31, 1935

Halloween. Leona came & got the boy’s; they came home from the wedding, about 12 o’clock, Hilda’s dad didn’t come over; in the evening. Gus, Dan & Geo. Geodelle’s families were there, & Mrs. Susenwind & family were there all day; swell supper & beautiful cakes, 2 kegs beer. Started painting the houses, window frames today; Pap went to Red Bud got oil & things, chick feed. Walter & Hilda got 1 bedroom no kitchen, furniture from Querheim. Henry brought load corn. We went to Belleville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, she won a quilt last night, playing 1 gamelotto.

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1935

Leona brought Billy [Willis] up to stay till tomorrow. Walter Reheis 30 & Hilda Klube 29 are being married in priest house by F. Eshmann Waterloo Ill. Henry & Leona as attendants, at 2:30 this afternoon. Hilda has a green dress & Black hat, & assesories [sic] & Leona dark rust dress & hat, black shoes; the men dark suits; going to have yellow & rust colored bouquets, it is also Annies 38 birthday; the supper is to be served 4:30 at Reheis for close relatives, brothers & sisters. Jake’s wife is to bake the cake, good supper. Mr. Wm. Gregson’s who lives in Gambach’s place, here are moving to W.C. Heyls farm today. Christ Buehler’s truck, Levis & Mrs. Renneker are helping to move them. The Young ladies are sodality of Hecker parish are giving a euchre party at school hall tonite; second for this month already. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here first then went; we didn’t go. Rose got the boys from school & did Henry’s work, feeding & milking; then came home, boys stayed all night. Alois Havey & Stockel of Waterloo, fixed our chimney, cleaned furnace, took pipe out & etc.

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1935

Pap went out in the woods. Ironed, & patched today. A guy here selling apples, we took ½ bu. for Leona, 50¢ bus. & 85¢ bu. Clara Wagner got 1 doz. eggs. Sure nice weather again so warm.

Sunday, Oct. 27, 1935

Raining all morning. Went to church, took Helfrichs along, he gave us ½ gal. molasses; & Boy it is good. Henry & family came all day, had dinner & supper. We went to a free dance at Oak Grove tonite, wasn’t much, Cowell’s Orch. played. Birkners didn’t get to town today, to much mud she said; & still a raining.

Saturday, Oct. 19, 1935

We baked bread & pie. Went butchering at Henry’s about 9 o clock, had dinner finished at 3:30; everything went good, about 250 lb. hog. its awful warm, have to fry things in, we took some; so Uncle Fred went there tonite to take some. Rain a little this morning. We all got weighed out there Floyd 51 – Rob 53. Billy [Willis] 30, Bertie 118 – Rose 163 – Leona – 122 & pap -165. Henry – 130. Bernice brought the mail. Eggs 25¢. Norma Geodelle – daughter of Jac Geodelle & Armin’s sister was married this afternoon to a fellow from South Dakota at the home of her parents, he worked for Roland Eichelmann, him [Roland] & his wife are the attendants, wedding dance next Wed. nite at Pautlers. Otto Stadel his name, he came 2 weeks ago here, they were corresponding for a long time, she says. Hy. Spalt & Katie Stallmann of Prairie du Long, to be married this afternoon we heard.

Monday, Oct. 14, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she & Rose & Berti went to church funeral mass of Mrs. Griffin, we went up to see her last nite; looks natural & had the most beautiful flowers & so many room nearly filled; the church was crowded; Dashner Undertaker, four sons, Steve, Ed, Joe & Albert & Noel Roscow & Wm. Harbaugh were pallbearers; & Mr. Griffin, & Pearl, surviving; didn’t open it in church. Mr. Hill came got the telephone dues. Mr. Bill Lehr flus inspector was here, our chimney needs repairing. We went out helped Leona wash, took ours along to; finished it all up; cleaned kitchen. Eggs 25¢. Wm. Ganley came paid interest; stayed awhile.

Friday, Oct. 11, 1935

Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.

Thursday, Oct. 10, 1935

Rose & Berti spaded the garden over this morning, cut quilt patches this afternoon “Goose Trot” from different goods, sew them in the evening, need 16. Henry came, sewed wheat, had dinner & lunch. Leona is sick in bed, 104 fever, headache & side pain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, brought some pears along; also some more mullin leaves. Wm. Ganley was here on business. Eggs 25¢, Wheat $1.03.