Friday, July 15, 1938

Nice day. Henry & family came yesterday afternoon boys stayed here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, got new dress & things. Geo. Walzbacher’s only child girl Mary Elizabeth 4 yrs. old died at St. Marys Hospital brief illness says in paper. Mr. Joe Rieckert celebrated his 98th birthday on July 9. still hole & hearty, still pratices [sic] law yet. Walter Nobbe & Al Hoffmann were here, trying to trade cars again, now he offers $150. for chev. but we won’t trade yet with him, wait longer. Harry Wittenauer came going to thresh oats here by tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 1938

Pap went to Henry’s, all day. Wittenauer made hay here. Leona came after sacks this afternoon. Wheat is 65 [cents]. Nearly everybody started threshing today. Geo. Schillings, Nic Hess; Cortners run. Frischkorns. Klotz starts Sat.

Friday, June 24, 1938

Heard Chas. Stookey’s program on KMOX a record of Millsdadt [sic] fire engine on a imaginiary [sic] fire. on radio at 6:30. We Went out to Henry’s starting combining at 10 ‘ o clock stopped at 5 laid over awhile at dinner; got out 100 bus; so many people there to see it work; we had lunch dinner & supper. Leona & Bert [Bertille] took 18 bus. to Waterloo got 67 [cents] docked 3. top is 69 [cents] today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon her left little while after we got home. So hot today.

Tuesday, May 17, 1938

Pap came down, got Bert [Bertille], washed, had to hang it in basement, raining all day; As we were coming home just a little ways on this side of Red Bud Stehlhorns kid was playing out at the road he picked up a rock & hit the glass in our car, & flew all to pieces, we drove to there house, said we should get it fixed at Schriebers, so pap went down again, had it put in, $2. Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & boys went down to hospital this afternoon, today she [Rosalia] can sit up & tomorrow get up & walk around & next day go home Doc said. Bert caned [sic – canned] 2 qts. 2 pts cherries, isn’t all of them yet, just the ripest once [sic – ones] off of a tree. Leo came down stayed all nite at Red Bud.

Friday, May 13, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to mass & pap came down got Bert, & went back again this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s washed Rosalia’s wash there & ironed,; cloudy & cooler today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Leo came & Leona went to Red Bud Leona stayed; came early home in morning. Pretty cold tonite, but not freezing.

Thursday, May 12, 1938

Cloudy this morn. Pap went to Shields look at pigs. bought 3 – $5 a piece. Raining nearly all day. Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud mass; stayed till 11 o’clock. Leona went down this afternoon. We went up to Leo’s, cleaning, had supper there. Bert [Bertille] went long down with Leo, to Red Bud stayed all nite. Geo. Wiegands have baby at Belleville hospital. The rooms are all filled in Red Bud Hospital now.

Wednesday, May 11, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud mass & brought Leona home & took her home. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary staying there all day. Pap cleaned chicken house & hauling lumber home this afternoon, from Schillings. Ed Brand & wife came from Alba. [Alabama] are visiting here with a new hudson car, swell big car. Leo & Bert [Bertille], went to hospital, Leo stayed all nite; Bert [Bertille] came home with Uncle Fred. Mr. Shields was here this evening. We planted sweet potatoes & tomato.

Tuesday, May 10, 1938

Beautiful day. Pap came to hospital at 10:30 AM. & Bert [Bertille] went home, washed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Pap stayed at the hospital all day. Jake Friedrich & wife while on there way to St. Louis to see Bernice Sun., was struck by train by Columbia he lived till 5 o’clock that day & died, & she is in hospital, she had just been home about 3 weeks, been ailing all along; he is at Wagner Funeral Parlor, will be buried tomorrow afternoon. Henry & Leona came & Leo & Bert [Bertille] went along to hospital, boys were at Clevelands, Leona stayed all nite; rest came home, Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to May Devotion.

Monday, May 9, 1938

Leona came, went along to Red Bud with us, went to Mass then to hospital Rose [Rosalia] is pretty good. Pap stayed rest of us went home; had dinner here. Bert [Bertille] took Leo home his dad is out there. Bert washed, this afternoon. We took Rose some flowers along. Leo & Rose went to Red Bud, Bert stayed all nite & Leo & pap went home.

Sunday, May 8, 1938

Mother’s Day. We went to Paderborn mass, then to Leo’s, doctor Eckert was there, since 6 last nite; at 11:30 took her [Rosalia] in an ambulance Dashner’s, to Red Bud hospital were Doc. Pautler brought a baby girl, 8 lbs. & 6 oz. nice big girl, bright, dark eyes, dark hair. Leo & Leona & pap went along down. Henry & boy’s came here had dinner, we went down this afternoon. Leo stayed all nite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn May devotion at church. It is also Josie Gregson’s birthday today. KMOX Radio Stars having a dance here at Kammlers tonite.