Christmas. Went to Red Bud, 6 o clock mass. stayed for 2 masses. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry & family & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all here for dinner & supper played cards etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & we went out to Henry’s this eve. listened to radio, ate candy, nuts, cookies etc. Nice warm, rain this morn.
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1937
Washed, ironed. Received Christmas card from Josie & letter from Fr. Aydt; for donations. Nice day, windy. Henry & family came brought tree up. Leona got 2 lb. honey from Renneckers, for piner syrup. Bert [Bertille] went along over there.
Wednesday, December 1, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to funeral of Mr. Grahlerr to church, wasn’t so large. Pallbearers were Geo. Parker, Geo & Joe Groosheim, Joe Gregson, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff. Henry & Leona went to Belleville left Billy [Willis] here. Washed this afternoon, scrubbed basement, washed kettles. Emil came but didn’t stay, we were busy. Mr. Herbert looked at horse. Emil came over, again this eve. awhile; he told us Louie Gregson was ill; Alf. Eckert upset his dodge Sun. eve. by Belleville. Otto Koch’s girl Erma is missing since Sun. nite, got the fellow down in Chester, but he didn’t talk up yet; she is from Red Bud.
Monday, Nov. 29, 1937
Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we each butchered 1 hog here, 179 lbs. & 168 lbs. – 170 lbs.; had lunch, dinner & supper. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] helped also. Emil came over awhile. Aug. Grahlerr Mrs. Joe Watchels father died will be buried Wed. morning at Hecker. We got 8½ for hogs today. Schmidt brought sack feed & articles down.
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1937
Cold 20 to be 16 tonite. Schmidt delivered egg mash & articles. Triple birthday dance at Keims at Floraville tonite. Bert [Bertille] got mail & paid the bill. Henry & family came this eve.; we played 2 games pinochle. Snowing a little.
Sunday, Oct. 31, 1937
Beautiful day again. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile; Harry Wittenauer came on business. Henry & family came had supper here this afternoon. We went to Orlet’s, went along with them to Paderborn to closing of 13 hr. Devotion & went back again & played cards. Fr. Brandmeyer made good sermon.
Monday, Sept. 27, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to mass funeral of Kroll; rather large, all girls pallbearers, Pearl Griffin, Mary Arns, Alvera Braun, 2 ladies of Waterloo, Theresa Frisch. Mrs. Francis Eichenseer is being buried at St. Louis this afternoon, that is his second wife she formerly Ziebold girl of Red Bud but had married before; she has been ailing for 3 yrs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] helped them paper there kitchen ceiling across the street. One of our horses Barney is sick, had Doc. Miller out for him, he had supper also Uncle & Aunt Mary stayed Leona’s birthday but he didn’t get out, had company & sick horse.
Monday, Aug. 23, 1937
Rose came A. [Aunt] Mary & Josie stayed last nite, out. we canned 4 doz. qts peaches, & made preserves, 3 doz. for Rose; cooked 12 bottles catsup, canned 2 qts. Uncle Fred went & got Leo, all here for supper, had spring chicken 2 celebrating Wedd. Ann. [of Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary] Henry & family came here yet, got bu. peaches. S. Rennecker got bu. to said they were to green yet & we thought to ripe. Clara Wagner came, wanted peaches to; gave them mushmelon & watermelon.
Saturday, Aug. 21, 1937
Awful hot today. So many sales, Martin May, at St. Joe. Krug & near Red Bud & Schelsmidt in Red Bud. Cathill 6 min west of Red Bud. Pap went to Krug’s sale, but it got cloudy, so he went home. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud to sale; & did it rain, so heavy, you couldn’t see the slab for all water; they sold while it was raining articles in house, had good sale lot people, Hy & family, Mrs. Geodelle were all down, we didn’t get nothing. had heavy rain & wind here to; picked 2 bus. peaches of ground made preserve & caned [sic] good ones. Bert went with Wagners to Paderborn to Totsch’s free dance, fish fry & turtle soup, good crowd. Skaers played music. Freeburg homecoming today.
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