We went to Belleville yesterday afternoon. pap went to dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to Chris Buehler’s to help thresh; brought the lawn mower along, Bert [Bertille] cut ours & his to. Got papers at noon seen, Berts school teacher Louis Schilling died, & to be buried this afternoon, we got dressed & went to funeral just got there when they were leaving the house, so we went to church, it was packed, lots of flowers, Wagner had charge of funeral, he was 28 yrs. old had been suffering a yr. had to quite [sic – quit] teaching in middle of last yrs. term, his brother taught in his place he didn’t look at all natural, he had cancer; passed away at 5 o’clock Wed. morn; survived by father & mother, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schilling & brother Eugene who is also a teacher & a step sister; was laid to rest in Burksville Cemetery. Mr & Mrs L. Wahlous of Waterloo nee Bea Maus have a baby boy born July 11 at St. Marys hospital – 8 lb. Mrs. Clarence Mudd also passed away at Modoc Ill; formerly lived in Waterloo had grocery store there; was 33 yrs. old. Herb. Bertram & Rose Harbaugh were married at 6 o clock mass at Waterloo on July 13, attendants being John Schaefer & Irene Harbaugh. So many pinics [sic] advertised for to be held in Aug. Herman Lucht horse prairie Ins. man was here collecting Ins. policy to run out this non. $17.50. that is house & farm buildings Ins. at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in from Buehler’s threshing; it rained, had to quite [sic – quit] about 4:30. Wm. Wiegand treated a keg beer, box soda then; he is running for Co. Commisioner; it didn’t rain so much here, nice shower.
Friday, July 16, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, July, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Anton, Aunt Mary, baby, BeaMaus, Belleville, Bertram, Birkner, birth, Brand, Buehler, Burksville, Burksville_Cemetery, County_Commissioners, death, dentist, died, election, farm_insurance, Harbaugh, Henry, home_insurance, Horse_Prairie, Horse_Prairie_Fire_Insurance_Co., Illinois, Insurance_policy, Lucht, Luclet, marriage, married, mass, Modoc, Mudd, newborn, picnics, Schaefer, Schilling, schoolteacher, St_Marys_Hospital, teacher, threshing, threshing_season, Uncle Fred, Wahlous, Waterloo, wedding, Weigand, Wiegand
Monday, May 13, 1935
We trimed [sic] up the yard. Papa went over to Meng’s, but they didn’t do anything this morning, the insurance man Lucht, was up, this afternoon they buried the horses; hauled them out with Werner’s truck. Billy Kammler was here selling chances on a fancy quilt to be raffled at there picnic on June 2; we took one, 10¢. Mr. Alois Havey was here & repaired the roof on our house, put on shingles, & nailed them on, worked 1 hr. for 50¢. So awful hot today, to nite, rain storm again, just terrible so much rain these last few day’s, everything is so wet, especially the garden. Eggs 21¢.
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