Line’s 12’s members are all online 2 now, so they are all out working, setting posts. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, papa is going to use Henry’s horses & wagon & haul wood together. Rosalia is coming back home again. We took dinner up in the woods to papa, got 9 loads wood hauled up, then Henry came up there for the team to get posts out for the line; so he had to quite [sic – quit]; we took a load of fire wood along home, stopped at Henry’s a little while then went home. Papa hauled cinders from back Henry’s sheds, hauled them in our road. Bertille got the mail, there was a letter there from J. Keller for Aunt Mary, I called her up, & she said for me to open it; the letter was mailed last Fri & was in Hecker on Sat., but no body got there mail till today, she had written that she would try & come out Tues. or Wed. but she didn’t show up those day, anyway’s nobody seen anything of her. Renneckers & Wagners went to Lauts tonite. Mr. Ed. Pabst brought a load of corn this afternoon.
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