Nice day. We went to Leo’s help butcher, also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Mrs. Orlet helped. Vic Papenberg & Bessie Parker getting married 9 o’clock this morn. We went to dance at Daabs Club House, Elmer Parker & Cecelia were best, she wore dark blue dress, Bessie white & veil. Henry butchered today also, & we didn’t know it.
Sunday, Oct. 30, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. We went driving around this afternoon. Went to Walter Matzenbachers & Ruth Hoffmann’s wedding dance at Brezzy [Breezy] Hill tonite. Emil Geodelle & girlfriend Mabel Crook were attendants, bride wore white lace dress & maid pink, & such a large crowd. Schumacher’s Och. [Orchestra] 3 pc. [piece].
Thursday, Oct. 6, 1938
Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall. Pap dug sweet potatoes & cleaned patch, have about 1 bu. little bitter. Today Jack Ganley & girl from St. Louis, Holemeyer, they are living in Colorado, getting married, having wedding dance at Donahue’s; tonite. Days sure are getting short. Leo & family came this eve. Marita is getting big & fat. reaches now has 2 little teeth & some more coming, teeth at 5 mon. old.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938
Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1938
Harry Witteanuer [sic] was here. Bill [Klein] came, took our car & all went to State Fair at Duquoin & people about 150 mil trip, enjoyed it wonderfully, & seen things, never have seen before, most exciting attractions were Jimmie Lynch & his 2 hr. circus of death dodgers; real dare devil, went through fire seated in his dodge. Went to Donahue’s to Ed. McDermott & Beat Friel wedding dance which took place in St. Louis; both of Washington DC big crowd, Chas Irose & girlfriend best; bride & them came 9:30. from St. Louis, received a few gifts. From reports Chris Buehler is going to move out on farm occupied by Buettner by Red Bud traded [unclear] for farm.
Monday, Sept. 5, 1938
Labor Day. Took trip this afternoon, went to Walsh & through New Athens home, stopped at Smithton church pinic [sic], wasn’t much doing. Went to Paderborn Totsch’s Dominic Roth 28 & Annie Mueth 33. wedding dance, John Mueth & Olivia Roth the attendants; big crowd & lots of presents. Fahey twins won a prize at Red Bud pinic [sic] today, being the oldest twins there; & Clara Heck nee Hess, there being born last week. 3 lb. each one at the hospital incubator; doing fine, have to be there for 5 weeks.
Friday, Sept. 2, 1938
Went to Belleville with 2 hogs 405 lbs. $8.70. Pap cut corn got 16 shocks cut. Bert [Bertille] made 3 qts mince meat & canned tomatoes jars are filled now. We went to see Emil Schaefer by Foster Pond, had advertised pigs for sale; but they were already sold. A shower was given Miss Loretta Biffar at her home last Sun. of her approaching marriage to Joe Schaefer who works near E. St. Louis; was given by Anna Weinhoff – Joe’s sister who lives 3 mi. west of Waterloo.
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1938
Pap hauled posts, has wood & all hauled now, got corn fodder from U. [Uncle] Freds. Went to barber shop got hair cut & shave. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this morn. cutting corn etc. The Wedding picture of Pete Kaiser 31 & Adella Karban 20 was in paper were married last Sat. morn. in St. Louis, in St. Peter & Paul’s Church. Attendants Bertha Karban her sister, & Lawrence Kaiser, cousin to groom. Wore white dress with long veil, carried flowers, Lilies, nice picture. Mrs. Emma Bechtold of Waterloo passed away 57 yrs. will be buried at Waterloo this afternoon; has 4 children, 1 boy Armin, 3 girls Ida Wright, Malinda Valmeyer & only 1 single Viola; also the boy was at home. Arthur Dour & Reickert girl are being married today, dance at Keims, Floraville.
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1938
Washed, ironed. pap hauled load gravel. Went to Orlets this afternoon, got grapes for wine & juice. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here. H. Wittenauer was here on business. Mr. Rudy Helfrich 25 & Otillia Rheinhardt 25 were married at Paderborn this morn. by Fr. Weskamp, attendants were Emil Helfrich & Virginia Helfrich, Oppertunia Rheinhardt & Wm. Helfrich boy of Belleville, dance at Kammlers, nice crowd had cake. Schoenborn’s Orch. Beautiful day.
Friday, Aug. 5, 1938
Rained a little. Cooking catsup etc. Pap hauling a load rock for drive way. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for the pinic [sic] on the 10. next week; he cut lawn here. Mr. Geo. Weinhoff of Waterloo was married to Weilbacher at Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] Miss Elnora – bridesmaid & Milton Weilbacher best man. Wm. Weber & Mary Qurin of Smithton married at St. Therasa [sic – Theresa] at Belleville, priest house, attendanted [sic] by brother & sister. she was formerly at Ruma Convent to be a nun till yr. ago, going to live at Smithton were he runs service Station there. Leo & family got plow share. Received our books from Fr. Spors, there is 41 prizes for 10 [cents] – 3 – 25 [cents]. got 2 books, 1 is filled.
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