Nice cool day, little rain this morn; we went to Leo’s, planted beets, had lunch & went to Belleville from there; Bert [Bertille] got new oxfords white, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon; brought cabbage plants, we have now; 112 in truck patch. Received a card to pay $7.00 for tornado Ins. Eggs are 16 [cents] today. Edward Kuess & Verniece Rausch 17 marriage license, were in paper today.
Good Friday, April 15, 1938
Went to service at 7. & this afternoon from 1:30 stations & sermon at 3 oclock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up morn. afternoon, working garden. We planted out 16 tomatoe plants. Caught 18 fish out of pond, boy! swell dinner. Berts [Bertille] work shoes came fit fine. $1. from Chicago Mail Or. Seen in Messenger. Fr. J. Orlet & St. Marys Choir, will broadcast Sun. on Messenger hour WJMV. Fr. Joe going to build the church larger & have a tower for bells; were now there outside on brick floor. $25,000 plan. Marriage license of Hy. Bruns 35 & Marcella Whitside 19 were in paper yesterday. Bert [Bertille] baked cake, for Red Bud cake sale tomorrow.
Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1937
Pap went to barber shop. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies. Mr & Mrs Clyde Pautler nee Arma Marie Parker, have a little baby girl born last week; also Ed Coop have baby boy; Else Pautler formerely [sic] & Willie Kreheres have baby girl. Ida Schinerbach marriage license was announced on radio last nite. We went to Leo’s this afternoon had lunch & supper peeled apples afternoon & evening Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Isd. & mother came yet to & helped 34 gals. we peeled. Fr. Joe’s birthday 34.
Friday, July 9, 1937
Had nice shower today. Waterloo paper states there were no marriage licenses there, not in Belleville & E. St. Louis since the law to have a physical ex. [exam] of both parties; in Mo. 64 licenses, were it is no law for that. Mr. Ray Paulter cashier in First National Bank & lady of St. Louis were married there July 6. in Holy Innocents Church, attended by S. I. Paulter brother & Esther McCarthy friend of the bride, going for honeymoon to Chicago & Wisconsin; will make there home in Waterloo, she was employed as cashier in St. Louis First National Bank; also the wedding of Clarence Stehl Anna Cohran of Granite City, took place in Immaul [sic] Church June 30; young couple will make there home in Granite City. Emil is appointed Admin. settle the estate of Uncle Adam on Aug. 22, it is in paper. Peter Sensel purchased the Ben Jung residence, & will move to Waterloo in near future Levi is to get married; transfer was made, also of Bruno Winkler & wf. to Arch. Wiehl & wf. & Elmer Winkler sold his residence on Morrison Ave. to Bucher manager of Monroe Service Co; & is now building a house in next lot to it; on Morrison Ave. Send Chev. Ins. of $5.60. Mr. Hill was here collected telephone dues $1. Bert painted front porch benches. Awful warm after rain. Mrs. A. Brown & daughter Marcella & Mrs. Hy. Doyle have taken over the Log Cabin, formerly run by Leo Horrel who is now at Gregsons Restaurant in Red Bud; she will have an opening dance tomorrow nite. Frank Finnerty of Waterloo has or is prop. now at Oak Grove; Nic Joseph is back at Burksville again. Leabig [?] the fisherman of Boxtown that shot Joe McCarthy was giving a hearing before Justice of Peace, bound over to Grand Jury fixed at $7,500, not being able to furnish bond was returned to Co. Jail, held on charge of intended murder; a peace warrant for $1,000 has been sworn out against the prisoner; paper says.
Friday, Jan. 3, 1936
Pap & Rob went up split wood, near the woods. Rob. got the mail. William Smith of St. Louis, & Berniece [sic] Mehrmann of Waterloo marriage license were in the paper, but Clem Parker’s wasn’t in. Henry called this morning said Leona was sleeping when he left, she is still in Waterloo yet.
Sunday, Dec. 29, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Snowed all night; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, finished the ice cream, that we made last night, but was to much, couldn’t eat it all yesterday, enough left for each a dish this morning. Steve Rennecker got 1 qt. milk wanted to make pumpkin pie today he said. We all went out to Uncle Freds had dinner & supper. Rob Knabe was out at Oscar’s from there he came here, so papa & Uncle Fred went home; papa sold the cow & calf to him for $65.00 to get it after the 1st. Fr. Aydt wasn’t at all satisfied this morning with the Christmas Collections, not enough; A Christmas party was held at the home of Henry Meyer at Belleville & there it was announced the engagement of Miss Dorthy Meyer to Odello Eichenseer of Here to be wed in the near future; she is employed at Endres Motor Sales Co. Mr. Karl Kammler 26 of Belleville & Mamie Roth 20 Mascoutah license were published, were married Christmas Day; at the Evangical [sic] Church in Mascoutah, the attendants being Alf. Kammler a brother & Anita Funk a cousin of the bride; the bride wore brown crepe dress & assessories [sic] to match, bridesmaids wore blue. going to make there home with the groom parents Mr. & Mrs. John Kammler of 712 Forest Ave; they also had the wedding supper there to which intimate friends & relatives were present. Mr. Fred Rothaug 38 – Miss Ida Bechtoldt 42 of Belleville, were married, she is Mrs. Geodelle’s cousin.
Monday, Dec. 3, 1934
Oh! Boy did it rain this morning. We went to Belleville, sold meat & eggs. Washed put hams up this afternoon. Seen the marriage license in the paper of Bernard Thien 24 & Mrs. Alera Eichenseer 25, Francis old wife, now divorced.
Friday, Sept. 7, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here. He helped papa get the binder home from Fleckistein’s. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner moved to Hecker, to Rausch place, Hy is going to live in Kammler’s summer kitchen; then. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud, bought a few things & got tickets. Armin Mier 22 of Prairie Du Long & Frieda Underwood of Freeburg 19, licensed was in the paper this evening. Aaron Papbenger’s dance the other night, he got $7.53; the orchestra took $7.50 – so he had 3¢ left; he had posters printed to; that is what they say. Ha!
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1933
We fried in bacon & sausage. Lena Meng got 2 lbs. pork sausage, this morn. for dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up he took turnips out. Louis Birkner’s birthday tomorrow hers. Mr. Jerome Cortner 23 & Lorena Neff 20 marriage license was in paper, being married at Paderborn this morning. Wedding dance Daabs Clubhouse, attendants Ester Cortner & Eugene Neff.
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1933
We washed, ironed, scrubed [sic] basement. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, he went to Red Bud. I seen Frances Kern 19 Hecker & Leroy Bayer 23 Belleville marriage license in the paper, they where married in Belleville in the parish house of Fr. Hoff; he is going to instructions.
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