Lincoln’s birthday. We went out to Henry’s butchering; killed 2 hogs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped too. Clara Wagner brought the cheese dish back, & ordered butter again. Raining tonite. The Altar Sodality is having a euchre tonite in school hall; we didn’t go. There is a masquerade ball in Smithon [sic]. Miss Adelle Probst & Floyd Quirin were married at Millsdalt [sic] this morning; her mother nee (Mary Henkel), a private reception at Daabs Club House. Schoenborn, Schaefer & B Schilling muscianers [sic] playing for the dance. Iowa is having terrible weather 25 below zero; people dying from cold, eggs raised 6¢ there. Mr. Otto Wagner of near Red Bud died yesterday will be buried Fri morning 9:30 at Catholic Church & cemetery, Clarence dad.
Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1931
We all went out to Henry’s today, for dinner, & lunch, he butchered a pig, he returned 17 lbs. to us what he got last summer. The rest of it he is going to take to Waterloo & sell it out this evening. They have a Halloween party in Hecker tonight, the Y.P.L. in Kammler’s hall giving a dance & also one in the new school hall. The Public School had there’s this afternoon. It was a masquerade ball in the new school just for the young ones.
Saturday, Feb. 14, 1931
Uncle Fred/Aunt Mary were here a little while this morning & from here they went to Christ Jensens’ sale 4 miles north west of Waterloo & then back again to Mrs. Threfall’s, she is selling household goods, brooder house, farm implements. Christ Buehler’s are figuring coming on that place. We got our Chicago Mail Order catalog today. Adam Eckert’s baby is awful bad sick, it has it in his throat. Tonight is Masquerade Ball at Smithton.
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