Went to Red Bud mass with Bill [Klein], he had Walter Helfrich, Les Becker along. Leo & family came this afternoon & pap went to see Perry May & guy back at Burksville. Bill came took Bert [Bertille] along & Mr & Mrs Walter Sternan & son Roland, all went to Ridgetop Tenn. at Nashville left at 3:30, got there at 10:30, plesent [sic] trip, Mr Sternan went to see his brother Henry who is sick in a sanatorium, had flat tire on way back, left down there at 10:30 Mon. morning & got home about 6 at Smithton, then Bill & Bert & Frank Klein & wife & Louis Schoenborn went to Edwardsville, took Frank to poultry meeting there, altogether made 838 miles trip from Sun. afternoon till Mon. nite. Bert won pencil at poultry meeting, brought a few rocks, like sponge from Tenn.
Saturday, March 25, 1939
Nice day. Went to the funeral of, Tom Crowe at Waterloo, wasn’t very large. Pallbearers were Levi Ganley, Joe Mueth, Fred Reheis, Ben Schilling, Emil Geodelle, Jeff Payne. German band played for a whole bunch of Paderborn. Neff & Karban’s, Cortner’s also for me & Bill Klein, all boys & girls, & said from St. Louis. Alfred May & guy were here this afternoon. We went to Tipton to see Farago. Willie & John Braun were here again for signing & leasing oil ground again. Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this eve. Bert [Bertille] fixed Roses [Rosalia] hair.
Friday, Dec. 16, 1938
Raining this eve. Pap went to see J. Hempe, & to Waterloo got egg mash. Wm. Ganley was here on business. Perry May & the hacker guy was here; still didn’t sell our timber yet; they went up in woods & came back here again. J. Keller wrote a letter, putting in an order for sausage & meat, when we butcher next Mon; she is coming out in afternoon.
Wednesday, April 27, 1938
Windy, not as hot. Bert [Bertille] sewed lettuce etc. Baked cream pie. Euchre & card party at Paderborn tonite; Bert [Bertille] went got dish, playing bluey had 2 games; Hy Kettler played for dance, not very much, no crowd. Elmer Parker, & Vincent Klein, have a birthday dance at Kammler’s tonight; Jake Schoenborn played Adm. 25 [cents] pretty good crowd. Rained a little this eve. Awful dust storm this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Perry May were here this eve; till 11:30. The Wedding that was here at Hecker, by Fr. Aydt last Tues morn, was Walter Kunkel & Brauch girl. Joe daughter, both of Tipton, never were published, are anything, May said that. Harry Wittenauer was here this afternoon; on business.
Monday, March 14, 1938
Cloudy all day. Laut’s basement is all dug out now, ready to pour cement. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 15 [cents] – 8 doz. Chas. Rey from Waterloo came this morn. bought the 10 pigs, going to get them this afternoon; $7 a piece. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, went to Phil Muertz sale, government selling him out, Perry May was sale cryer, & Steve Griffin clerk; things brought fair price, Emil came over to. Report of Rose Mueth being dead is false, nothing to it, she is living & getting better, sure some talk going around false.
Saturday, Aug. 21, 1937
Awful hot today. So many sales, Martin May, at St. Joe. Krug & near Red Bud & Schelsmidt in Red Bud. Cathill 6 min west of Red Bud. Pap went to Krug’s sale, but it got cloudy, so he went home. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud to sale; & did it rain, so heavy, you couldn’t see the slab for all water; they sold while it was raining articles in house, had good sale lot people, Hy & family, Mrs. Geodelle were all down, we didn’t get nothing. had heavy rain & wind here to; picked 2 bus. peaches of ground made preserve & caned [sic] good ones. Bert went with Wagners to Paderborn to Totsch’s free dance, fish fry & turtle soup, good crowd. Skaers played music. Freeburg homecoming today.
Tuesday, Aug. 10, 1937
Painter is here. Pautler from Red Bud brought oil here for H. Wittenauer, going to start plowing today, going to put all our ground in wheat. Yesterday afternoon it was 94° little cooler this morn. canned 1 qt. tomatoes. Mr. Joe Kunkel of Tipton was buried last Sat. morn. there; been ailing for quite some time, weak heart. Last week Thurs. nite J. Hellmer & May had a collision between Oak Grove & Donahue’s as May turned of. Mr. Hellmer had his arm broke & splintered, & she is in hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Hahn were with them but unespacd [sic – unescaped?] injuries, Mr. Hahn even flew through windshield, never hurt; glass safety. There is a sale by Valmeyer & Mondanaville [sic] pinic [sic] Catholic Fr. Duehren in charge, raffling a oven ware set & silver tray. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, went to the meeting in school hall, for the pinic [sic] next Tues. Evansville band to play. 25 pc. $30.
Saturday, May 8, 1937
Put our chicks out to 5 hens, feeding Wayne from Mertz, he delivered 100 lb. & bran for ducks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Pap went to M. Elonka sale at Tipton this morn; didn’t buy nothing. Uncle got shovel & baskets. Al. May’s boy brought the Int. here for Uncle Fred. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, took flowers along to plant out, & A. Mary took tomatoe plants. Clem Parker has a new car, delivering milk, set a milk cans in underneath.
Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1937
Leo & Rose came, we all went to E. St. Louis to National House, but was no business, couldn’t make use of the $35. check anyway; went shopping awhile, stoped [sic] at Belleville on way home. Pretty nice day, not so cold. The Hecker Y.P.League having a euchre & dance tonite. Misci [sic] by Kattinger Vagabonds. Sparks May & Laber girl & another girl. There is also euchre & dance given at Paderborn church hall tonite. Alois Roth & Gertie came took Bert along to Paderborn, had a large crowd, we didn’t get no prize, had 5 points. Leo & Rose didn’t get none either. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the Y.P.L. euchre, they only played 8 games, they both had 5, got percolator, & meat platter; but the crowd wasn’t very large. It isn’t so cold tonite. Skaer Bro. played at Paderborn.
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