Saturday, Aug. 17, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s. Clarence Wittenauer’s milk truck struck Henry’s colt & knocked it in the air, is awful bad, has a big hole in shoulder; Wittenauer has insurance, & he got the veterain [sic – veterinarian] out; & bandaged it up a little. Pretty serious they say. Henry, Dick, Grover, Emil, all up making hay had dinner, 2 loads here & took 1 load home; today & last nite; he broke the wheel of, so this morning he went up to get Emil’s wagon & had the colt loose & sure it had to get hit. Casper Horschmann has sale on the Barney Kaiser farm this afternoon. Al. May auctioneer. Ivo Buehler is moving Louis Voges from Sethfest farm to Cowell place in blackjacks, from which Esthers [Estkers?] moved to the bottoms, Aaron Papbenberg moved them. Freeburg Homecoming today. Donahues has a free dance tonite. Blossom City Boys playing. We went out to Henry’s to see the colt, it eats, but still lies down.

Thursday, May 30, 1935

Decoration Day also Ascension Holiday. We went to Waterloo to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile. We went to Waterloo to School pinic [sic]; took our dinner along, seen the parade, lot of children. went out to the cemetery, seen Aunt Lizzies grave, flowers on it now, there & went to see Ed. Mavers by Foster Pond; came back for pinic [sic] again, free danceing [sic] all afternoon, Moonlight Orch. This evening at 7:30 they have donkey softball at Pautler Park, that is to be good playing ball on donkeys. Adm. 10 & 25¢; dance at 9 when the ball game is over, trained donkey 13 came from Colorado on at truck. We went to see Perry May awhile, & then went to the free dance given at Oak Grove by Nite Owl Orch. of Red Bud nice crowd. Free oranges & lemonade were given away at the pinic [sic].

Sunday, April 28, 1935

Went to Red Bud; they made $80. clear at the card party Tues. nite. We went out to Uncle Fred’s for dinner & supper. Mr. John & Sam Krehrer, were also there, looked at implements etc. We went to Pautler at Waterloo tonite, free double birthday dance, musci [sic] by Cowboy’s, nice crowd, there was a wedding dance at Dreamland, Mueller & Shewer Jr. It rained nearly all evening. Ed Fahey said Martin May turned his car over last night at Vanburen’s, 5 in the car, went to Waterloo to get Rose, & going home, car came out Vanburens lane, & collision, May’s car is a total wreck, took Martin to the doctor, man from Renault was driving, Rose has scratches & bruised a little; that is the third car he wrecked in a short time. Mr. Robert Probst is having a dance at Manier’s tonite, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Adm. 25¢.

Monday, April 22, 1935

We washed, ironed, patched. Christ Buehler came, got the rest of his chick coops. Chas. Helfrich was here, said he was getting the relief check, now for feed, & it would come in pap’s name, in about 2 weeks, would amount to $16.00. Henry came up, went to Meng’s. Bert Thompson came over with him. Mr. & Mrs. Alf. May were here about 3 hrs; brought Interest for Uncle Fred. Mr. Emil Schaefer & guy that bought the drill, came & got it this afternoon, Schaefer came to look at the binder, they are neighbors, near Foster Pond; the rabbit brought him a little baby boy; Them 2 & May looked at the colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, set out cabbage plants 80, we helped. Papa went out to Henry’s this morning, Gus Blackburn is having posts cut for tiles for railroad, & those guys are hauling them out past Ettlings House, some system. We sprayed fruit trees again today. Ambrose Doyle’s baby boy is in Hospital, had 8 lbs. pus taken out from the lungs & rib taken out, to get it out, & the child is getting along fine now, 22 mos. old; doctor had said, it would have died if they didn’t take out the pus, its awful. Mrs. Hy. Miller, has awful trouble to with swallowing, kind of a sickness they claim, goes from one to the other. All the company we had today, it certainly was Easter Mon. Eggs 20¢.

Sunday, March 3, 1935

Went to Red Bud church. Emil spend an hr. with us this morn., wanted some seed oats; Nice warm day. The young people of Red Bud parish, are giving a 3 act play, name is “Everybody’s Crazy;” we all went to see it, & Boy! was it good, crowded hall, some had to leave, it was filled, having it again tomorrow night, because couldn’t all get in, players were, Ed & Leona Vogt, Melba Siebold, Gladys & Al Siefert, Harvey, Bob Cowell, Pearl Roscow, Viola Pertle, Linus Mertz, Tiny AuBuchon, Catherine May, Orvil Schmidt, Jim Tobin, Mrs. Bill Haudrich; tap dancing & singing, musci [sic] by AuBuchon Band & Kettler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the euchre, given at Kammlers by Fire Co. also had nice crowd, dance after, musci [sic] by Birkner Orch.; Adm. 15¢. Jhon [sic] Cody had opening & birthday dance, at his place, Oak Grove. Margaret McDermott is in Red Bud hospital was operated fro tumor last Tues, was getting along nicely, but isn’t very good at present; Raymod [sic] Matzenbacher, was operated for appendix Sat. afternoon also at Red Bud hospital; that is Pete Matzenbacher’s boy.

Thursday, Jan. 17, 1935

Fried in bacon. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy [Willis] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. We went to Donahue’s to Tipton Parish euchre party, played 10 games, we didn’t receive prizes, had 5 points; not much of a crowd, & no prizes; a quilt was raffled out & was won by Ruth May. Mr. Bill Kelley of Ruma, died will be buried tomorrow morning.

Sunday, Oct. 7, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile had lunch. Barry May has shooting match this afternoon. The Hecker Baseball team has a dance at Manier’s tonite, Jolly Six Osc. of Red Bud, pretty fair crowd attended. We stayed home all day; had beef soup dinner. Mr. Joe Hilpert & family stopped a little while, he bought 2 doz. eggs; they were down at Sparta, he helped to build the CCC camps there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, too take in Maniers dance; outside. Papa & Uncle Fred went out to Henry’s. Pete Birkner looked at the house, he said he would furnish everything & plastered it for $30.00, papa thought that was rather much, so he won’t let him fix it. We went to Oak Grove to a dance, musci [sic] by Chris Dorn’s Orc. Adm. 25¢; nice crowd & good time. James McCaffery 68 of Red Bud died, funeral tomorrow, 9 o’clock by Rev. Stern. Mr. Emil Frick brother of Mrs. Willie Gregson died, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at St. Louis.

Saturday, Sept. 22, 1934

We went to Wm. Straub’s sale by Burskville [sic]; bought a heifer calf $12.85. Mr. May & Vin Walsh, auctioneer & clerk. Ben Schilling & Jac. Reheis gave a free birthday dance at Pautler’s Park tonight.

Friday, Aug. 31, 1934

We finished digging potatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, she went along with us to Belleville, we got new winter hats. Mr. Jake Cole stopped in. Mr. Herman Geodelle of Waterloo died. Miss Adele Crowe gave a surprize [sic] bridal shower for Miss Olga Bozzy who is to wed Mr. John Schauer of St. Joseph Mo. soon, Miss Magaret May won first prize in bunco. We went to Donahue’s free dance this evening, Carlos Entainers [sic], crowd wasnt so hot, but boy the fish was swell. Oak Grove has theres tomorrow nite.

Tuesday, July 17, 1934

Hy. Birkner’s got a second hand Chev. 1930 model at Belleville today, just like Hy. Clem Parker was here on business. George Parker’s got the baby christened Sun. afternoon James Arthur, Arthur Coop & sister, were sponsors. Oscar Birkner had fish fry Sun. evening. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Brezzy Hill tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morning, had dinner here, him & papa went to Waterloo, he got a new Chev. 1934 model, $568. from W. Nobbe; black weehls [sic – wheels], green body. Mr. Otto Horn was here wanted to sell suits. A lady here selling household goods & toilet. Uncle Fred got $176.00 for his old car & $105 for horse all in the trade. They went to Red Bud to Buehler’s. Jac Erle came & they got the papers insurance fixed out, a new policy. George Wagner & kids, came over to fly kites in our field. We went to Brezzy tonight, Mr. Maul & Perry May’s Wedding Anniversaries, but poor musci, Fisher Orc; nice crowd. Uncle Fred bought ice cream for lunch, this afternoon.