Rosalia & Berti went to Red Bud church, had 8th grade graduation, during Mass. 4 girls, Catherine May, Evelyn Bendict, Rita Roscow, Mary Iva AuBuchon; all dressed in white, carring [sic] flowers, 2 flower girls. 6 boys, Cletus Helfrich, Ratz, Roscow, Hartmann. Thirtheen [sic] made there solmmen [sic] coummioun [sic] in Hecker, this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] awhile after church, went home, came back this afternoon, went to Red Bud to band convention, 200 muscians [sic], 10 band. Steve Rennecker came over awhile; we walked up to see Mamie, but she had a date with Clem Parker, se we came home again, the 4 h club girls are giving a dance in Kammler’s Hall, Holloywood [sic] Orch. Belleville playing Adm. 25¢.
Friday, May 4, 1934
Olivia Laut’s birthday. We cleaned little chick house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Pap got a money order from Ettling $5.60 – 1933 is all paid now. We got the Watterloo Republican, a piece of it today. I guess on account of the corn & hog contract, it is in there, & also in the Times. Mrs. Hy. Wedel was granted a divorce, & settlement was made the amount $875.00. Mrs. Pretzilk got no divorce. Several from Renault are having there farms leased for oil drilling, Mary May is one. Wm. Reheis of Burksville is putting up a new store on his premises; Osterhage has the contract. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fauss of Burksville bought a house in Waterloo from Fred Mueller, one of Ida Sommer’s & will move in near future, will have sale tomorrow. Cyril Havey is recovering from an operation on appendix in the new St. Louis University Hospital, he took ill suddenly & was operated on next day; also Mrs. Arstice Whiel is recovering from an operation.
Saturday, April 28, 1934
Papa & Rose went out on the farm cleaned, graniery [sic]. Awful nice day. It froze ice last nite again. Some of the Hecker firemen put up a tank for water at George Wagner’s yesterday afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came he helped papa staked the ground of for the shed, they had lunch & dinner here, Karl Boll came to tell pap, Ettling was going to come to see him next Sun. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Hall, to a birthday dance, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, but wasn’t much going on there, so then we drove down to Oak Grove to Pat May birthday dance, & a crowd there. Oh my & all feeling Happy.
Friday, April 13, 1934
Mr. Ziebold, retired miller was buried at Waterloo yesterday, awful large funeral, business places were all closed. Papa hauled posts, helped Henry this afternoon to cut some logs & haul. Cleveland helped too. Berti washed Chev. Seeley worked in garden. Our baby chicks didn’t come yet. Mr. Walter Lehr brought them this evening 209 chicks @ 7½. $15.50, all. The new Hospital in Chester which has been remodeled will now be called Riverview Hospital. Mr. Martin May has sold property to Charles & Anna Hasnedle – twp. 4-9-$1500.00. The primary election turned out with the winners Chas. Wehmeier. Dem. Co. Judge & Reb. Judge Scheinder; For Sup. of Schools; Zimmer had 26 votes & Wm. Weigand received 1 vote but wasn’t running; several others ran for Supt. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gruber of Waterloo moved to the farm of Mrs. All. Gregson. Cyrus Hill & family moved to Waynesville Mo. where he has gained a position. Mrs. Steiger, Lena Birkners great grandma died this eve. about 6 o clock, will be buried Sun. afternoon 1 o clock at “Lords Corner;” she would of been 100 yrs. old in May, she was blind & couldn’t hear for a good while.
Sunday, October 1, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. Today Bill Sensels’ Barry May have shooting matches; The way we heard, Lawrence Cortner & Hecke the marshal must have had a scrap last nite at the dance at Manier’s, both were drunk. Last nite was an all nite dance at Breezy. Ella Meng was here wanted to buy eggs, we had none. Rosalia & Bertille went to the the BaseBall dance at Kammlers, Dixie Blue Boys, Adm 25¢.
Saturday, Sept. 30, 1933
Made Pumpkin pie. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we all went to Hornberger’s sale, on Louis Schilling’s Srs. farm, south Burskville [sic – Burksville], bought few articles; met school teacher Schilling, & Mr. & Mrs. Lhad of Columbia. Barry May sale cryer, Vccins Walsh, auctioneer, Maniers have a dance again & music Herzog’s nite Owls; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here; Pete Ganley & family, Weehler, stopped in on a short call, bought 2 hams, & 20 lbs. hens, we have nothing but sausage left.
Monday, Sept. 25, 1933
It rained during the night; little cloudy this morn. Martin May is to have his sale this afternoon; we went, through Blackjacks the road wasn’t so bad; we gave Leona 1 bu ½ tomatoes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, brought there lard to Braun’s 5½ trade.
Saturday, Sept. 23, 1933
It rained all nite, & this morn. Papa went to Hecker. Martin May was to have sale today, but I guess the rain spoiled it, we didn’t go; it is still raining a little. We got letter from J. Schmidt, payed [sic] out 9 1/9% from the bank again we got $5.93 this time. Harry Kammler has a dance tonite, Dixie Blue Boy’s Adm. 25¢ each; not very much of a crowd; we went up to Eichenseer’s took it all in.
Saturday, June 3, 1933
We baked cherry pie; Leslie Siebert & Alivera Jatho are to wed this afternoon in Smithon [sic] by Rev. Hasto at 2:30, she is to wear pink silk & blue sash ribbon, the attendant will be, her sister & husband, of St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went to Bill Curran’s sale back by Tiptown. Boy! believe me it sure was some sale, 2 mules brought $405. mare & colt, $175.00 everything so high priced. 15 mon. credit, Alfred May was auctioner [sic], Vincent Walsh clerk. Curran got the job to be motor cop on Route 3, they will move to Waterloo now. Authur [sic- Arthur] Fisher is to move there. Lucille McCarthy told us today that Hoffman & Elvira Bozzay of Tiptown will get married Tues. June 6, at 3 o clock in the parsonage, & shower was given to Isabella Kalmer; Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker where over this evening, she was saying that Reuben Kammler got married today, he goes to Carbondale School, & married one from there, it must of been surprised, because Wagner’s wasn’t there.
Sunday, Feb. 19, 1933
We where at Red Bud. Herman Goessling & Adelia Wagner where published 1-2-3 time, wedding is Tue. morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for dinner, then we all drove out to look at bridge, where they men are working, then went to Henry’s, but was nobody home there; then we went back home again, played 2 games pinochle, they went home. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred May came to pay Uncle Fred interest, they stayed for supper, then till 8:30, they left then to go to see Mrs. Codty, who isn’t feeling so very well & also to see Ambrose Doyl’s boy at the hospital, he got operated for appendix. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Burke have a little baby boy; & also Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kunkel. Mrs. William Koch of Coxeyville is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo Evangical [sic] Church & cemetery, she was taken to the hospital on Feb. 10 & died a week later Feb. 17, she had fell & fractured her hip; she has two sons, Roy of Waterloo & Elmer, Columbia & adopted daughter Edith Rudolph; at home, she was 59 years old.
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