Nice day. 51 [degrees] again. Went to Waterloo to funeral of Clara Mueth 44 yrs. old; left Waterloo 9 o clock to Hecker church cemetery, wasn’t very large funeral. The Pallbearers were Ben Schilling, Levi Ganley, Simon Havey, Joe Brauch’s boy & Annis & Teve’s [names unclear] boy friends. Mrs. Manier is getting buried over in St. Louis this morn also at 8:30, she had rabbit fever, took her over to hospital were then she died, so they just left her over, buried her there anyway; was sick quite awhile. Geo. Wagner got 1/2 doz. eggs. @ 20 [cents]. Mcarthy’s – Helen & Gerald are giving a free dance at Oak Grove tonite.
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1933
Most beautiful day. We find about 1 doz. eggs a day now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to new hard road to Waterloo, did little business, then went to St. Joe, to Hempe’s, to Tiptown Kelley’s. Mcarthy had shooting match. Pete Ganley family was here to get sausage but we had none & wasn’t at home. Frank Hippert & friends were hunting at Henry’s got 10 rabbits.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1930
Bertille cleaned house this morning. We made some sweet chow-chow this afternoon & also some piccalilli. One of our white young pullets died today. Rosalia & Bertille went to church this evening. Rosary Devotion again. When we came out of church it just started pouring down raining. Tonight is also the Literary Meeting down in the Public School House. Speakers are H.M. Hill, Wm. Wiegand, Dr. Bock from Smithton & Greg McCarthy teacher.
Friday, Sept. 5, 1930
It is raining a little this morning. Gregory McArthy is teaching the Hecker School and he boards by Eichenseers. I seen in the paper that there are a lot of people ailing at present, they are, Mrs. Rausch ailing of a weak heart. Mrs. Spalt has Typhoid fever, Bill Parkinson has rehuwates [?], Peter Dehn is no better yet. George Gambach had his well closed up with cinders. Harry Stiffler moved in Gambach’s property. Clarence Pabst sold his milk route and truck to Clarence Wittenauer. Edward Neff & Mr. & Mrs. John Reheis motored to St. Louis & visited Forest Park. The Hecker baseball team played with Waterloo, the Catholics, Sunday there and were defeated with a score of 14 to 6 & Monday they played at New Athens & was defeated by a score of 14 to 4. William Birkner is building a garage. Henry Armstutz is on jury at Waterloo. Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to help to cut corn. We had lunch out there. We brought some corn father along back. Rosalia went and got the mail. Tomorrow we intend to dig a well by the straw shed. Bennet Mudd from Red Bud guessed in Waterloo Sunday that a sack of feed weighed 30.9 lbs. He was closest to it, it weighed 30.8 lbs. He got the 100 lb. sack of pig chow. Mrs Threfall & John Henkel had to be on circuit court last Tuesday. She sued John $300.00 for board. On Sept. 1 Mon. Peter Dietz & Miss Marie Henke were married in Waterloo. Mrs. Ralph Neff & Miss Anna Dietz were best. Henry Eichleman marriage license was also in the paper he is 29 yrs. old & Dora Einwich is 18 yrs. Virginia Emery of Hecker won the Normal School Scholarship.
Monday, September 1, 1930
Today is Labor Day. Picnic at Red Bud, Smithton, Tiptown & Old time dance at Waterloo Court House Yard. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up about 3 o’clock and then we went down to Red Bud we were there a little while, then the fellow came with snakes & selling Cactus Oil & rattle snake oil. There were four fellows singing and one playing piano, Snitzelbank & Adam’s Rib. From there we watched the ladies or women saw wood on the stage. About 5:30 we all went to Tiptown picnic & dance. We were there a little while & the prizes were awarded. 1st prize Living Room Suite Mrs. Kate Brand from Red Bud, Ill. 2nd prize 9×12 rug A.L. Clifford Red Bud, Rt. 4 the same man what got the radio last year. 3rd prize wrist watch Herman Geoslling Waterloo, Ill. 4 rd. & fifth prize went to St. Louis & East St. Louis. The dancing began in the evening. Admission .25¢. Ludwigs accordion & guitar, mandolin, furnished music. Uncle Fred & Gregory Mcarthy played together. We left from there & went back to Red Bud and listened to the music a little while there. Rosalia was at church this morning.
Friday, August 29, 1930
Today is “Billy” Kammler’s birthday. He is 2 yrs. old. Gus Hempe and a man from St. Joe were here this afternoon & got our little colt for $40.00. They didn’t have it so nice to load her, she wasn’t used to any trucks. They got her on & away they went. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to got a load of wheat, then Papa went to Red Bud with it. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wedel had a accident near by Waterloo, when they were crowded off of the hard road. The Hecker School will open on Tuesday, Sept. 2 Gregory Mcarthy teacher. Broad Hollow on Sept. 2 by Miss Mary Havey teacher. McQuillen School Sept. 2 by Miss Lela Deuker teacher. Hirst School Sept. 2 by Miss Ethel Deuker teacher. Blackburn School Sept. 2 by Miss Klinklenberg of Marystown teacher. Grace Axley the Marini School.
Wednesday, July 30, 1930
Today is John Limbach’s sale. Papa went out to Henry’s and got a load of wheat, then he went to Waterloo to the mill & then went out to John Limbach’s sale. We get our daily paper in the evening from now on with the buss. Instead of morning mail carrier. Papa never bought nothing at the sale, everything high priced. Albert Rittemyer was here this afternoon trying to sell brushes of all kinds. But we didn’t buy any. Margaret McDermott call up & told us that our cousin Mary May, Martin May’s oldest daughter died & will be buried tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at the Tipton church. She was to get operated on appendicitis and tonsils, they gave her ether & she never came too anymore. They say she had a sweetheart Joe McArthy. She is 18 years old. Wheat is .78¢ this morning.
Monday, May 5, 1930
It is raining this morning. Today is Dorothy Napier’s birthday. She is going to be 12 years old. Papa went to New Athens this morning and got some tilining. This afternoon he went to Waterloo to get the Whippet repaired. He got the chive greased last Saturday. Joe Meuth was here this morning on business. Yesterday the Hecker and Smithton ball players played together. Hecker won. Calvin Mcarthy got hurt. Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening a little while.
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