Cloudy, rainy. Mehrmann got 3 doz. eggs. 30¢ doz. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Waterloo. It is in the Times that Ralph Rausch now works in Kroger store at Belleville; also the Wedding of Haudrich & Daugherty going on a honeymoon to Chicago, then make there home at Ridgwood Mo. Miss Vera Grasse & Jim Mueller were married at 6 o’clock by Rev. Kochheim at the home of the bride’s parents, were they were also remarried on there wedding anniversary on Nov. 12; she had 3 showers; kitchen, miscellaneous, & groceries, & was given a mix master & ice cream freezer in the Hughes home. Mueller is secretary at Farm Bureau office.
Thursday, Nov. 14, 1935
Pap went in the woods. Henry & Leona came & Billy. Henry went to Sam Mosio’s to get the corn & hog checks. his is $7 – 3.11, & paps one is $6.54 & $2.92; very little. Mehrman came & borrowed hammer; Wagner’s & Mehrmanns came over this evening had pinochle game. Mr. Mehrmann had 1500 trump again & also Berti had 1500 in clubs; different games.
Thursday, Nov. 7, 1935
Raining this morning. Mr. Mehrmann got 2 doz. eggs here 30¢; eggs are awful scarce now. Pap went in the woods this afternoon. Henry brought load corn.
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 1935
Papa went in the woods. Berti ironed. We received a card from Elvira Haudrich. Chas. Daugherty wedding to take place at Paderborn Nov. 13; & dance at Totchisin [?] evening. Bernice Wagner came & told us to come over there for a card game this evening; so we did played four handed pinochle & loser drop out; Pap & Merhmann were partners & lucky players this evening; he held 1500 trumps & etc. Clara & Rose & George & Berti were partners. They say Clifford Stahleber & Red Mueller are married & live in Waterloo now, above Kerhn’s store.
Tuesday, March 12, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona were up here, papered the dinning [sic] room; had dinner & supper. Leona went home did the chores, & brought the boy’s along up; stayed awhile in the evening. Mr. Janson of Waterloo, sales agent for Nobbe was here this afternoon, looked at the binder. Leona went over to see Mrs. Staufenbiel brought her some material to make a spring coat for her; 4 yds. goods, & linings; pattern etc. Mr. & Mrs. Emil Mehrmanns baby girl Ethyl, was taken to the hospital at Belleville last Sat, & yesterday it died, buried this afternoon, & private funeral. No one could see it, had menertitis [sic – meningitis]; down spine in back; say it is a very catching disease; house has to be fumigated; had it in its throat also.
Thursday, November 1, 1934
We went to St. Luke’s Church, Belleville mass at 7, this morning & then to St. Mary’s 8 o clock mass; went shopping; drove home by way of Waterloo, stopped at different church, went all through Parks Airport & flying field; an awful nice place, cool weather. Mr. Mehrmann & Bernice got the eggs 26¢ now.
Thursday, Oct. 18, 1934
We planted trees & rose bushes. It rained last night & again this afternoon & evening. Papa took Chev. to Probst got oil changed 24827 mi. & gas & tail light fixed. We went to the euchre this evening; didn’t win, had 7 points all of us. Lee Gregson got attendance prize $1.00. Lizzie Boll was first in bluey, & Mrs. Jatho in Euchre, not a very large crowd, 10 tables euchre. Mr. & Mrs. George Boll brought there butter beans & eggs here for Mehrmann, Laut’s or Wagner’s weren’t at home. Eggs 22¢ today.
Thursday, Oct. 11, 1934
Henry & Emil came up, sewing wheat, had dinner & lunch. Mr. Mehrmann get 6 doz. eggs 21¢, store pays 20½¢.
Friday, Oct. 5, 1934
Dug sweet potatoes, they are right nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up. Clara Wagner came awhile; got eggs for Mehrmann; he came last night & we were all in bed here.
Thursday, Sept. 13, 1934
Ironed, cleaned bedrooms. Papa made a small flower table. Emil stop on his way to L. Gregson’s; brought a letter here for us, that was in there mail. Mehrmann got eggs, 21¢ a doz. It rained all day again, all week so far day & nite.
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