Thursday, Aug. 30, 1934

Otto Rahn of near Red Bud have a baby girl; also Dr. Pautler have a baby 9½ [lb] boy Paul. The morning’s & evenings are rather cool. Mrs. Chas Fleckenstein has a sale today. Papa & Berti went, got the drill for 50¢ brought it along home, binder $1.40 & the wagon $32; & corn plants $26; highest things sold; to some one from Baldwin; the binder is still out yet, rather fair crowd, Grossman auctioner, Lawrence Weigand clerk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile from the sale. Monroe Feurer was here in the morning counting our hogs. 15 pigs 1 sow, checked up the papers, see if everything was correct. A man here wanted buy old gold; one here selling washing machines. Levi Gregson bought the automobile at the sale; one just like his, tire all flat, & no battery in it for $11.50. Emil pulled it home for him, behind his car. Gus Klotz came & borrowed our lime dust spreader. Mehrman got 8 doz eggs 21¢ he papa, also Metz.

Thursday, Aug. 16, 1934

It rained nearly all night & this morning. We went to Mrs. Powderely’s sale this afternoon, Roscow & McBride of Red Bud, rode along & helped push, wasn’t a very big sale; but things brought fair price. Mrs. Mehrmann & Clara were over & got 5 doz. eggs 16¢. Mrs. Rennecker was here this morning.

Thursday, May 17, 1934

Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry came this morn, had lunch & dinner; from 7 to 6. Cleveland worked this afternoon, – 1-6. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right after dinner, went to Adam Eckerts, Emmies birthday, he went over to see Hy. Kerber, came back here again, had supper. Mr. Rob. Mertz & family stopped on there way to Red Bud, see how far we was with the barn, he is going to put the tin roof on. Rosa sewed my dress today. A gang kids was here selling chances for a quilt to be raffled out after the childrens program, on May 24, we took one – 5¢. Mr. Chas Mehman of Belleville is sick. Hy. Braun of Hecker, worked so hard in the garden, that he is now deaf.

Saturday, April 21, 1934

Papa got crushing done. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Berti went to Belleville to a Auction sale, of late Hy. Schoepp, bought all kids thrash, etc. got coat hangers 49-10¢. They had supper here. Henry & Leona left kids here, & went to Belleville brought Bernice Mehrmann along out. George Wagner’s family came this evening. Clarence Wittenauer paid $3.00 balance on ball ground today for last yr. Wagner’s cooked two kettles soap this morning.

Sunday, April 16, 1933

The creeks are out nearly all over this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where all up for dinner & supper. Henry came up with the buggy, the road is awful bad, it is just about all that they can get through with horses at the hills. Wittenauer hauls the milk with the wagon. The rabbit laid eggs by George Wagners & here this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Levi Gregson & Agnes was here this evening. Mary Wagner had a big surprize [sic], her brothers & sister & family, celebrated her birthday 43rd at George Wagners today, all Kammler’s, Fritsches, Mehrmann’s.

Saturday, Sept. 24, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at Hecker all nite, they brought the soup here & we all had dinner, then they left for home. Mr. Ed. Meng was here awhile. Emil Merhmans have a little baby girl since last week, Mary Louis, they are going to call it, they have 2 girls. Louis Petri Jr. is giving a free birthday dance tonite at Charfin Bridge, there are dances all over, Irene Reheis band is having one at Daab’s Club House at Smithon [sic],  Weber Barn, musci [sic] by Ill. Roamer’s. Rod & Gun Club. Clarence Rausch had a birthday celebration last nite at Weber’s Barn. Papa got crushing done this morning, George Schilling went to Olkalohoma [sic – Oklahoma], & Roy Staunfbiel is on the sick list with a cold.

Tuesday, June 21, 1932

We washed the truck patch through & dug a few potatoes, there are nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon. George Wagner’s got word that Mr. Merhman was pretty sick, he got another stroke, he had one Sun. they went up this evening. A man was around delivering coupons for soap & things.

Sunday, April 3, 1932

Went to Red Bud. Church in Hecker, this morning is 9 & 11 o clock, because he [Fr. Grootens?] couldn’t be home, he was gone some place. In Waterloo the children are making there solemn communion. Joe Gregson & Lester & Lee & Rob where here looked at the colts, but it was to much money for him. We went out Uncle Freds, for dinner & supper. Henry came there too awhile, he had been up at Floraville to see Kerculeis, he bought his pigs from Henry & a heifer, $15 & pigs $3.00 apiece. Maryben Pickett & family came there too & wanted to rent there house in Hecker, but he won’t rent it out. Mrs. George Wagner called up & said we should come over there for a game of cards, so we & Rennecker’s, Bill Fristche’s, & Autheo [?] Mehrmann where there. Bertille got toothache. Mrs. Wagner was lucky to have 1500 trump.

Saturday, Sept. 26, 1931

Wm. Ganey was here & paid part interest $66.00 & still $59.00 due.  It turned cold awful sudden today.  The St. Augustine’s Church of Hecker, has pinic [sic] today, & Anhuser [sic] Busch from St. Louis is to be there with radio musci [sic] & donkeys.  Miss Laurena Mehrman & Orlando Skaer are getting married at Floraville this afternoon, an a dance tonight there.  We where all at Waterloo this afternoon & went to confession, we came through Red Bud home, stopped at J. Ducars, they have a team mules for sale.

Sunday, Sept. 20, 1931

We all went to Red Bud church.  The Hecker Priest read Ignatz Neff name off this morning, he signed the paper at Belleville, this week his kids can come back to school if they want too.  Osie Neff was here looking for Uncle Fred.  Today is homecoming at Floraville.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & then about 4:30 left for the picnic.  Joe Hibbert the carpenter & his brother Frank & a cousin was here for a short visit.  He was visiting Hecker friends this afternoon.  This evening we drove out to Henry’s took them along & went to the basement floor dance at George Freund’s.  Adm. 30¢ as enter.  Rheinhardt & Skaer furnished musci [sic], 3 pieces.  Papa was up at the store awhile & he also stopped at George Wagner’s, she said that her sister Lorenia Merhmann & Orlindo Skaer are getting married next Sat. Sept 26 at Floraville.