Henry came up & got the hog. Papa & Bertille went to Belleville to a sale at the Merchants Transfer Storage Co; 3 different lots where sold, one bringing $75 – $85 – $80. We bought a buffet from the party that bought the lump for $5.00, it is nice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there too, she got a spring for $2.00; that is all we bought, took 24 doz. eggs along & got 9¢ in part trade. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here; we got a jig saw puzzle of 200 pieces with a lb. coffee & .01 so we took one, boy! some puzzle. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & family, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut & family where here this evening playing pinochle; 6 handed. Henry Birkner’s have a little baby girl born this eve. it is also Oliver Birkners birthday it is to be christened tomorrow afternoon, Christ & Frieda Buehler sponsors. They called it Valeita Frieda.
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