Peterson of Michigan was here selling jar [? – unclear] canners; we bought 1 – $1.35 set; yesterday. Rose [Rosalia] & Marita, Leona & Billy [Willis] were all here for lunch & dinner we stretched curtains; everybody’s; planted 65 cabbage plants from Rose. Mertz paid 13 [cents] eggs. Nice day.
Saturday, March 18, 1939
Len. Mertz bought 80 acres ground from Wm. Gregson, not quite $9.00 acre. Harry Wittenauer was here.
Friday, Jan. 27, 1939
Nice day. Ironed, patched, quilted. Mertz delivered 100 lbs. hog pellets. Eggs 14 [cents].
Wednesday, Dec. 7, 1938
Beautiful day; patched, cleaned etc. Went to New Athens, Freeburg, & Smithton. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she went to church. Bert [Bertille] won the fruit cake by Mertz.
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1938
Went to Red Bud, mass was longer from 7:30 till 9:00. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Donahue’s, turkey supper, & shooting match; they also went to Phil Mueths shooting match, but didn’t win nothing; Clarence Pabst of Belleville was granted a divorce, Sat. from his wife nee -Irene Voges. Geo. Wihelms. Mrs. Mertz brother died in Belleville hospital of pneumonia. Raining this eve.; a little.
Saturday, July 23, 1938
Nice day but hot. Mayme Prickett is appointed post office clerk while Len Mertz has gone on a trip to Omaha Neb. So many sales this afternoon Prediger’s, Friedrich, town sale Schrieber Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to Red Bud, to Schrieber’s sale. We went to Leo’s this eve. cut lawn, cut pickles etc. they had intended coming down.
Friday, May 6, 1938
Henry & Leona came left boys here, Bert [Bertille] went along Rosalia’s; & came back with Henry, Leona stayed. Billy [Willis] stayed here all day, fishing boys & Henry went home, caught 8 fish for supper, so far. Bert baked cake, cookies, got 50 lb. flour from Mertz; delivered. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. Henry & boys came got Billy.
Monday, March 14, 1938
Cloudy all day. Laut’s basement is all dug out now, ready to pour cement. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 15 [cents] – 8 doz. Chas. Rey from Waterloo came this morn. bought the 10 pigs, going to get them this afternoon; $7 a piece. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, went to Phil Muertz sale, government selling him out, Perry May was sale cryer, & Steve Griffin clerk; things brought fair price, Emil came over to. Report of Rose Mueth being dead is false, nothing to it, she is living & getting better, sure some talk going around false.
Saturday, March 5, 1938
Rained heavy last nite; colder this afternoon & eve. Pap sewed clover seed. Eggs 14 [cents] at Mertz Bert [Bertille] took 7 doz. up & got 1/2 butter from Reheis’s make; 20 [cents]. Robert Lauts moved some of there furniture to Rennecker’s, the living room suite. getting ready to tear the old house down, to build a new one, Hoffmann from Belleville has the contract the paper says.
Monday, Feb. 21, 1938
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here, went along with us to Leo’s butchering, had lunch & dinner. Jake helped to, made summer sausage 30; got beef from Mertz there. Jake Erle was here left his card we weren’t home.
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