Thursday, Feb. 17, 1938

Raining all nite. Harry Wittenauer stopped in. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came had dinner & supper, helped quilt. The church people is quilting at Rennecker’s, put it in yesterday. Bert [Bertille] got invitation card for Gertie & Aloys Roth Wedding dance at Daab’s Club house next Tues. eve. There is a Wayne poultry feed meeting at Kammler’s hall tonite; sponsored by L. D. Mertz, giving away 100 lb. sack Wayne growing mash as attendance prize.

Thursday, Feb. 3, 1938

Went to Red Bud, throat blessing. Pap went to see Connor’s this morn; sure warm today; Spring day. Pap went to Smithton to see Orlets, Mrs. is very weak yet. Mrs. Heuman, Annie’s mother in law is there now. Bert [Bertille] got 3 cups & sauscers [sic] for $30.00 purchase by Mertz today. Listened to Major Bowes radio program, sure was good.

Saturday, Oct. 16, 1937

Pap got crushing done. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here this afternoon; he went to Hy. Stahleber’s. Bert [Bertille] put flowers on windows. Mertz is giving tickets away for set dishes, ever $30. you get 11 pc. till you get all. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, this evening, played radio – W.L.S. Barn Dance.

Thursday, Sept. 9, 1937

Cooking catsup, canned tomatoes. made preserve baked cookies etc. Pap went to see Hy Henze. H. Brinkmann & wife were here looked at pigs yesterday eve. bought 4 – $7. a piece going to get them this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Berneice came got 4 doz. eggs take them along to Floraville for Mehrmann. Orvile Schmidt is working in Mertz store now; Hy. cooking sorghum. Oliver & Wilma Birkner had there tonsils taking out at Belleville.

Friday, Aug. 20, 1937

Beautiful day; finished ironing, canned 5 qt peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, she helped to peel, cut lawn etc. Chris Buehler brought Henry’s 2 colts here, pap bought them from Henry $85 a piece. Lena Meng looked at peaches. We got 20 ½¢ for springs sold here to Mertz 18 – 51 lbs.

Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1937

Hy. Armstutz came got 18 chickens, sold them to Mertz here, didn’t ship them this time was enough no coop full. Went to Belleville this morn; dentist wasn’t there gone on vacation. Raining this afternoon, real nice, heavy showers. Went to church pinic [sic] this eve; didn’t win nothing. J. [Josie] Keller was out to; lots city people & many priests, large crowd. Evansville band played. Leo & Rose were down to Fr. Orlet & Raternaun. J. Klinkhardt got $20.00. Zeno Birkner $2. crochet bedspread Grover Dashner, Mrs. Chas. Heff $2. quilt Levi Ganley, quilt Levi Gregson, that I know.

Monday, Aug. 16, 1937

Canned 5 qts. peaches, 1 tomatoes, cooked catsup. Pap went to Waterloo to get fruit jars; didn’t have them in yet, he stayed all morn. still didn’t come, he is going to deliver them tomorrow. Berniece came said, there was some fish left, if anybody wanted some, at Mertz’s on ice; we don’t want any today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon, he helped put up stands, got 5 chickens – 12 lbs. @ 19¢ for pinic [sic] tomorrow; had watermelon lunch. Nic Schaefer Jr. was here, stopped on way home from Hess sale at Ruma. Gypsy Joe sang song for Mrs. Hess by Agnes today.

Monday, July 26, 1937

Went out to Henry’s threshing wheat, got 725 bus. our share is 241 bus. Pap paid Geo. Schilling lumber sawing 2067 ft. @ 90¢ $22.40. Pap & Leo hauled the wheat home from out there. Dr. Miller came vaccinated our hogs $3.00 – for 8 pigs & sow – 25¢ pig. There is so much cohlera [sic] going around. Sam Krehrer [sic – Kreher] is sick & several more. Olive brought coop down going to ship 3 doz. springs tomorrow ; with Mertz. Mrs. Geodelle & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] all helped at Henrys threshing, 2 lunches & dinner. Birkners had to go to Franks threshing for supper.

Saturday, May 8, 1937

Put our chicks out to 5 hens, feeding Wayne from Mertz, he delivered 100 lb. & bran for ducks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Pap went to M. Elonka sale at Tipton this morn; didn’t buy nothing. Uncle got shovel & baskets. Al. May’s boy brought the Int. here for Uncle Fred. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, took flowers along to plant out, & A. Mary took tomatoe plants. Clem Parker has a new car, delivering milk, set a milk cans in underneath.

Friday, April 2, 1937

The soap got nice. Bert finished cleaning upstairs, all but washing curtains yet. Pap took dinner along went out in woods with wagon. Sewed some more lettuce, radish & tomatoe [sic] seed, the garden is rather wet. Some guys here from Valmeyer looking for old iron. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he bought ½ bu. timothy seed 10¢ lb. Mertz has a new electric refrigator [sic] in store, its a dandy. Wheat $1.40. Mrs. Caroline Deueker sold some ground to Geo. Erle seen in paper. also Dr. Pautler bought Kropp land & Chas. Lenhardt place that was sold public auction last Sat. brought $4,986 – 100 acres by Geo. Biffar. Leo & Rose & Mr. Orlet came this evening, also Henry & family. Mertz gave Leo a dripolator for wedding present, its nice; 8 cup size.