Today is Emil Brand’s birthday. Bertille baked honey cookies this morning. This afternoon we all went up in the woods. I seen in the Waterloo Times that George Wiegand of Hecker Ills., has a new Plymouth Coupe. Hugo Schroeder of St. Louis was in a accident Tuesday evening a machine collided with him on the Hard Road by Coxeyvile. Leona baked some pinwheel cookies this afternoon for Christmas. Herman Geodelle & Ray Crook had a accident too Tuesday evening. The machines were both damaged & Crook had a cut in his hand. A baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Nick Meuth on Dec. 2 & a baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Brinkman sponsor were Mr. & Mrs. George Welzbacher. Its name is Sylveria[?] Elizabeth it was baptized in Waterloo Sunday. In Red Bud it is reported have 30 cases of scarlet fever & it also is spreading out in the country now, the way the paper says. The Co. commissions to 3 surveys for the hard road to Hecker & sent them up to Springfield. One was the old road & thru Lord’s Corner down to Athens, & one north, & another still further north, straight east from Waterloo.
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1930
Today is Election. Papa went out in the woods this morning, him and Uncle Joe & Eddy Meuth cut a tree down with a bee hive in it. Then they went up to Meuth’s again, they had a whole tub full. So Papa called up & said Rosalia should come out & fix the honey out there so she went. They said for half it would make about 3 or 4 gals. Meuths are going to get half of it. Henry is plowing here today. Leona & the kids came up just before dinner, they were all here for dinner. Papa had dinner out at Meuths today. Henry and Papa went up to vote. Bertille was at church this morning. Rosalia was out at Meuth’s for supper. They didn’t have enough jars to put the honey in so in the evening Papa & Bertille drove out there too & took a 2 gal. jar along. It made about 12 gals. altogether, we got 5 1/2 gals. John Wittenauer’s have a little girl since Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, Oct. 26, 1930
Today is shooting matches all over again, Ambrose Doyle, Philip Meuth, George Rickert. Henry & family were all here for dinner today. Little after dinner they went home. In the evening Henry & Leona brought Bobby & Floyd here to stay with us all night, while they went to New Athens to play music.
Friday, Oct. 10, 1930
Today is Rosie Meuth’s birthday, she is 18 years old. Papa was out at Henry’s today. They started laying tiling across the street now. Walter Pour’s have a little baby girl since last Wed. night, they now have 4 girls and 2 boys. We cut cabbage in this morning about 2 gallons.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 1930
Today is Uncle Pete Reheis birthday. Mr. Hill has a few men working on a sewer, they are going to dig a new sewer on South Main Street. Henry & Emil were here this afternoon, they and Papa went to Sitchefest to get a drill. Henry bought it for $2.00. He broke his old one that he had, so he got this one. Henry has about 20 acres of wheat sewed now. A St. Louis Baseball team played the Hecker team here Sunday. Hecker won 3 to 6. Last Wednesday they got Delbert Meuth from the hospital in St. Louis. Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie Eichenseer and then all of us & Angela went to the meeting in the new school hall. After the meeting was over, Father said to take the chairs to one side and then we could dance. So we did. Isadore Helfrich & Edgar Wittenauer furnished music with the accordion & we also had the victrola music to dance on. We came home at 15:11.
Friday, Oct. 3, 1930
Rosalia went to church this morning. Papa hauled 2 loads of coal this morning. They took Delbert Meuth son of Nick Meuth to the hospital one day last week, where he will be operated on appendix. Mrs. Lorberg is staying with him in the hospital. Papa hauled 5 loads of coal this afternoon. Henry called up and wanted to know if Rosalia could take Leona to Waterloo to the doctor this afternoon, so she took her in. Leona went out to get the mail yesterday afternoon & she ran back to the house & stumbled & cut a big gash in her chin down to the bone. The doctor put a piece of plaster over it to heal, if it don’t heal shut that way then she will have to get it sewed together. I seen in the Times, that Clyde Crowe & Walter Schmidt left last Tuesday for Ada Groves, Iowa to visit with Schmidts relatives. We found 3 dozen eggs today.
Sunday, July 20, 1930
We all went to church this morning. After dinner we all went out to Uncle Fred’s and Aunt Mary’s, we were there for lunch. This evening we all went to church, after church we went out to Nick Schaefer’s to a dance. Uncle Fred furnished the music, everything was free, cake, beer, lemonade. Ozzie Neff also had a dance. Henry Birkner, Henry Brand, Roy Staufenbiel furnished music. There wasn’t many girls there the way they say. Rosie & Mamie Mueth were there. There was quite a crowd at Schaefer’s. They danced in the house. Last Sat. or yesterday there was a fire in Krebs’ and Kreher’s field. They say in five or ten minutes longer then Emery Kreher’s house would of burned down again.
Wednesday, July 16, 1930
Jos. Schilling is threshing oats today but Henry had to help Joe Meuth’s, Willie Ganley, Bevirt and Reheis. Rosalia baked peach pie this morning. Papa, Bertille went to Waterloo with a load of wheat, and Rosalia stayed out at Henry’s that long. Wheat is .75¢ bu. Kuhns boys are plowing & they also got the oats threshers.
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