Friday, May 23, 1930

It rained last night.  Papa went out to see Mr. Statterman the man that lives were Julius Ambruster lived.  This afternoon he went up to Smithton to August Mueths place, it is getting sold this afternoon.  Miss Bertha Wolf of 414 E. McKinley Street died at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.  She was only 21 years old, she will be buried tomorrow afternoon.  I went to Blackburn school with her.  She was born March 24, 1909.  The Fahey twins, Stella and Marcella of St. Louis were home Sunday and celebrated their 19th birthday anniversary.  Bertille was at church this morning.  Eggs are .17¢ a dozen at Eichenseer’s store.  Henry & family were up this evening.  Henry sold his gray mare to Schneider from Smithton, for $10.00.

Sunday, May 11, 1930

Today is Mother’s Day.  It is right nice at present.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry were all up for church this morning.  After church they all went home.  So we ate early dinner and went out for a trip.  We went to Waterloo then to Foster Pond as far as the hard road was finished, then turned around and went back again.  Then we went to the East St. Louis Boy Scout Camp, they call it Camp Vandeventer, but we couldn’t drive in their gates was locked.  Mr. Shrod told us to come back some time after June 22.  Then it would be opened to drive in.  So we drove back again, and then we went to the other camp they call that the Belleville camp and also Waterloo.  The name of it is Camp Wangelin.  There was people working there.  They have a big hall and all small tents out along the woods.  It sure was a dandy place to go.  Then we drove back to Waterloo again & then home.  We were going to stop at Henry’s but they weren’t at home.  In the evening Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary came up a little early and then we played ball on the lawn.  Afterwards Mamie Eichenseer came down until it was time to go to church.  Then we all went up to church.  After church, Mrs. Meuth, Joe, Barbara, Rosie & Mamie Meuth, came down and stayed until about 10:30.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here too.  Adolph Rittemeyer didn’t have his dance last nite on account of rain so he is going to have it tonight.

Monday, May 5, 1930

It is raining this morning.  Today is Dorothy Napier’s birthday.  She is going to be 12 years old.  Papa went to New Athens this morning and got some tilining.  This afternoon he went to Waterloo to get the Whippet repaired.  He got the chive greased last Saturday.  Joe Meuth was here this morning on business.  Yesterday the Hecker and Smithton ball players played together.  Hecker won.  Calvin Mcarthy got hurt.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening a little while.

Sunday, February 16, 1930

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner.  Rosalia & Bertille were invited to Angela Eichenseer’s, she had a birthday celebration.  Those present were: Miss Lena Meng & Clifford Sthalebher, Mrs. Joe Wachtel, Miss Mamie Eichenseer, Miss Elica(?) Pour, & Rosalia & Bertille & Angela.  The evening was spent in playing euchre and pinochle, refreshments were served at due time, popcorn and cake.  August Meuth’s have a little girl.  They named it Bertilla.  We all went up to church this afternoon to confession.  Tomorrow is thirteen hour devotion.  We found 13 eggs.

Friday, January 31, 1930

Bertille was on sick list again.  Uncle Adam and Emil and Joe Meuth were visiting us today. Mr. Meuth wanted to buy straw.  We found 3 eggs today.