Catholic Schools open today. Canning peaches cooking catsup, etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed for supper last nite, then we all went to Smithton to Catholic Church pinic [sic]. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville dance, Viola Kaburcek birthday all free. Skaers Orch; nice crowd present. Hy Miller of Lords Corner is being buried at Stehfests cemetery this afternoon, Elsie Spalts husband 41 yrs. old had cancer nothing left to him, didn’t weigh 100 lbs. they said. Pap was at the cemetery; he belonged to Broad Hollow Grange & was a soldier, so they all had there ceremonies at cemetery; awful large funeral. Henry brought load of corn on frame wagon Billy [Willis] also. Levi Feurer stopped in looked at pigs. We went to. Ignatz Neffs got bottles & cans & bought 2 doz. jars 20¢. went to Leo’s got some grapes for wine, took peaches along & peeled & canned 4 qts.
Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, September, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Anton, Aunt Mary, Birkner, birthday, Brand, Broad_Hollow_Grange, buried, canning, canning_peaches, Catholic_Schools, cemetery, chores, church_picnic, dance, death, died, Feurer, first_day_of_school, Floraville, Freedom_Cemetery, Henry, illness, Kabureck, Leo, Lord's_Corner, military_honors, Miller, Neff, Orlet, Rosalia, Skaer, Skaers_Orchestra, Smithton, Spalts, St._John_the_Baptist_Catholic_Church, Stehfest_Cemetery, Uncle Fred, veteran_burial, Willis, World_War_One_veteran
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