Worked in garden; went up seen Fr. Aydt; masses said for Uncle Adam; Uncle Fred is working up here again this morn. Rained a little this afternoon. Edwin Reheis looked at the hay. To see if it would be dry enough by tomorrow. Went out to Uncle Adams; so many people there, in & out. Ed came this afternoon by train; Carrie is coming in about 10 days; were he works they send a big bouquet flowers; & children bought 1, has quite few mass cards. Josie Keller & Ella Miller were also out; Mr. & Mrs. Jac Schmidt.
Sunday, June 27, 1937
Bert [Bertille] went to Mamie’s went to ballgame awhile. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came took Bert along to Breezy Hill to Simon Miller’s & Buettner Wedding dance, Dream Time Trio furnished musci [sic]; large crowd & nice time. Vic Papenberg & car from New Athens had collision at the corner, the other car passed on wrong side, damaged the truck & car, no one hurt; Joe McCarthy, deputy Marshall, was at Boxton Sat. nite; camp guys started in fighting, he wanted to part then & keep peace, fellow pulled out a revolver & shot him at the shoulder, came out below the shoulder blade, he is at home, getting along well if no blood poison will set in; pretty hard for the guy, that did the shooting he is in the pen; at present time. There is also 4 boys from Red Bud in Chester pen for stealing by Jac. Erle’s. South of Red Bud. Mr. Erle caught them in the house, stealing money out of a dresser drawer.
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1937
St. Blase Day. We went to Red Bud had our throats blessed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also up, for that, stayed awhile. Houbaum of Wartburg & nephew came & got the sow & 5 pigs $35.00 & Ralant Laut got hay 25¢. Bert got letter from J. Kellers she left some boxes at Ella Miller’s at Belleville for Rose, she should call for them there.
Saturday, Sept. 19, 1936
Rained this afternoon. Pap went to Valmeyer to Allotff sale, things brought good price, team mules $400. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Plenger’s sale by Round Prairie, that was a cheap sale. Oscar Birkner bought 106 acres farm, Miller place, were Grahlerrs now fines. $5,800. We went to Floraville to Jac. Reheis birthday dance. music by Schoenborn & Skairs. Gents 25¢.
Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1936
Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped them get things ready for pinic [sic], & chickens etc. Pap came out for dinner & then went to Jac. Dugan’s sale by Burksville; We came home after dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up to pinic [sic] at 2 o’clock. We had a nice shower rain this afternoon. Armin Mier of Broad Hollow has sale this afternoon also. Went to the Church pinic [sic], but didn’t win anything. Annie Braun won the stove; quilt, H. Schwagel Smithton, $3 P. Hamacher; Bed Spread, F. Miller, cold packer, Ethel Parker, quilt – St. Louis. $2 Fr. Teonjes Paderborn, quilt, L. Schneider, $5 cash, St. Louis. 48 lb. flour. Waterloo. Josie Keller was out, was here also.
Friday, July 24, 1936
Pap & Rose took wheat to Waterloo got 99¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Christ Buehler’s. Nobbe & Klein of Waterloo, they wanted to see Uncle’s car dad [Anton] went with them; the girls like it, they want to teach school. Miss Josie Keller & Ella Miller were out at Aunt Mary’s last nite, brought a pattern out.
Saturday, July 11, 1936
Pap & Rose went after our heifer that got out, in Braun’s field. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. Hot, it is 105 degree’s here. Philip Kahmer of Lords Corner shot himself this morn, buried Mon. afternoon. Mrs. Stella Wiskamp nee Miller died, to be buried Mon. she was in the hospital 3 mons; went pap was there. we went to see her.
Tuesday, June 23, 1936
We washed, ironed, baked bread. Went to Belleville this afternoon took 8 chickens – 16 lbs. @ 22¢ to Percy Miller. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, worked there garden took out onions, we took ours out yesterday. They have there radio battery up at M. Wagner’s getting it charged. John Wittenauer & son, were here looked at the mule; but was to high priced for him. Alfreda wasn’t so good last nite. Sure a big day at Belleville, a convention there for 3 days.
Thursday, May 7, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bert went in to Belleville. Bert is to stay in & Rose came home. Mrs. Elln [sic] Miller & Josie Keller came to see pap this evening a while. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home this afternoon, & came back tonite to stay again, with Rose.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935
Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.
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