John Lehrs of Belleville buried this afternoon Stehfest cemetery. Papa went down to see Hy. Armstutz about corn fodder, pap & Rosalia cut some this morning. Mrs. Alfred Crook daughter, the youngest & Miller boy being married this morning at Waterloo Church & wedding dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill to nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the dance, nice crowd, & pretty wedding bride all white with veil & 2 bridesmaids cousins, in light pink & blue; with head bands; best man in dark blue suits, her brother & his brother; she is 19 yrs. & him 21, nice couple. We trimmed up tin cans for flower pots.
Friday, June 28, 1935
We cut in 3 gals. sour kraut [sic], bus. basket full. Leona brought Henry & Emil up, she went back had to go to Waterloo Robert to instructions. Joe Watchel was here yesterday evening awhile. Mr. Fred Werner died, buried this afternoon at Belleville, Walnut Hill cemetery. He was pretty old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped shack wheat this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Geodelle of Waterloo have a 9½ lb. baby girl born June 26 & Herman Miller of St. Louis have a 7½ lb. baby girl born June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Harbaugh grand parents of Waterloo.
Tuesday, June 25, 1935
We all went out to Henry’s, had lunches & dinner, finished cutting wheat & moved to Hecker, about 5:30, then it started in raining so they couldn’t cut any more this evening. We helped to wash & iron, took 2 quilts along & had them washed. Henry & family were all up here for supper. Lester Gregson had a misfortune about 2 weeks ago, ran over his youngest boy Virgil, right over the leg, it wasn’t broke are nothing serious, swollen, brusied [sic] a little, but is alright now again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, it started to get cloudy; they went home. Some real talk at Waterloo at present, the women folks started in fighting Mrs. Fred Miller hit Mrs. Louis Kolmier (Lenhardt) went to court & the fined is not less then $15.00 & no more than $50.00 they say it went so quick.
Monday, April 22, 1935
We washed, ironed, patched. Christ Buehler came, got the rest of his chick coops. Chas. Helfrich was here, said he was getting the relief check, now for feed, & it would come in pap’s name, in about 2 weeks, would amount to $16.00. Henry came up, went to Meng’s. Bert Thompson came over with him. Mr. & Mrs. Alf. May were here about 3 hrs; brought Interest for Uncle Fred. Mr. Emil Schaefer & guy that bought the drill, came & got it this afternoon, Schaefer came to look at the binder, they are neighbors, near Foster Pond; the rabbit brought him a little baby boy; Them 2 & May looked at the colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, set out cabbage plants 80, we helped. Papa went out to Henry’s this morning, Gus Blackburn is having posts cut for tiles for railroad, & those guys are hauling them out past Ettlings House, some system. We sprayed fruit trees again today. Ambrose Doyle’s baby boy is in Hospital, had 8 lbs. pus taken out from the lungs & rib taken out, to get it out, & the child is getting along fine now, 22 mos. old; doctor had said, it would have died if they didn’t take out the pus, its awful. Mrs. Hy. Miller, has awful trouble to with swallowing, kind of a sickness they claim, goes from one to the other. All the company we had today, it certainly was Easter Mon. Eggs 20¢.
Monday, Sept. 10, 1934
Henry & Leona came up, him & papa went to Ed. Meng’s & bought a gray mare & 4 mo. old colt for $90.00 & he bought our mule $35.00, made a note $125.00. Uncle Fred went to Red Bud hauling wheat, she stayed here, he hauled again this afternoon, wheat is 96¢. Papa & Rosalia hauled load wood home, it rained this afternoon. Mr. Miller horse trader was here. A man was here left a book on “Why Pray for Prosperity,” very nice reading in it. It rained nearly all night.
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 1934
Henry & family came, papa went along with him to Walter Millers sale by Smithon [sic]; the rest stayed here, had dinner, brought one of her dresses along to remodel. Henry came home about 1 o clock. Papa came with Uncle Fred’s. Aunt Mary & Berti went over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she took dress goods along, for her to make; Uncle went to see Armstutz’s, they had supper & watermelon here. The sale was such a crowd, like pinic [sic], had musci [sic], fellow selling medicine there. Otto Horn, was here, & Monroe Feurer to see Papa; Feurer wants to count hogs.
Saturday, Aug. 18, 1934
Henry is plowing. Seen in the Waterloo paper, Slyvester Miller & wife are going to move to St. Louis, gave up his job at the condensery. Rob. Schaefer has his place. Henry had dinner here, finished plowing & went home. Joe McCarthy bought himself a new ford U.S. truck to haul milk, Martin May & Hoffmann new chev’s. Ben Schilling has a new chev. Mr. & Mrs. Ivo Rapp have there wedding celebration & dinner & supper at Blackburn’s; Fr. Aydt had dinner there too.
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 1934
Peter Haupt rich miller of New Athens killed himself Sat. evening; financial worries was the cause the paper read. Henry & Floyd were up, he cut hay, made a load; had dinner & lunch. Hilda Klube is visiting out there since Sun.
Monday, June 18, 1934
Rose took papa out to Henry’s, shock wheat. We washed, ironed; nice cool breeze this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for lunch, he broke scicle driver, brought it up for Fritische to fix. We went out to Henry’s to get papa this evening. Eggs 11¢. I noticed in the paper there was a accident happened on Route 3, Alf. Matthews, was struck by hit & run driver, he was taken to Red Bud hospital were he is still unscoious [sic – unconscious]. He & wife & brother in law Cletus Miller; & were attending a dance, it happened 5 mis. north west of Red Bud.
Friday, May 11, 1934
Mrs. Geo. Kuhn Jr. returned from the hospital with the little boy which was born Apr. 29; they have 2, girl & boy. she was Miss Emily Wiegand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we all had lunch together here. Uncle got each 1 box ice cream from Griffins, Oh! Boy was it good. We went out there this evening after the ladder & bucks. Miss Marie Harbaugh, daughter of Wm. Harbaugh of Waterloo became the bride of Mr. Herman Miller, son of Frank Miller, last Sat. May 5 in Catholic Church by Rev. Elmer Schumacher, cousin of the bride at 8 o’clock mass. The bride was attendanted [sic] by 2 sister Irene & Rose, wearing canary & blue silk next, blue hat & carried roses; while Rose wore pink silk net & pink hat, also carried roses. The groomsmen were 2 brothers, Ray & Robert Miller, attired in Oxford Gray. The bride had white satin. In the afternoon the Bridal party left for St. Louis to visit Sister Ann William, so she could see her sisters in wedding attire. The bride is a musci [sic] teacher in piano. He is employed by Quick Meal Stove Co. Mr. John Fisher the heater & plumber business of Waterloo died May 7, 59 yrs. buried Thurs. afternoon. The picture of Mr. & Mrs. James Parker is in today’ Belleville paper, he will be 85 yrs in Sept.
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