Pap went out to help Henry again. We canned 8 qts. kraut. Had chicken dinner. Mondaville has church pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & took Berti along, had chicken supper there, German Band played; in evening, we stayed till 8:30, had nice time. Pap brought Billy [Willis] along home at noon, & nearly bu. pickles; we canned 16 qts.& 1 gal. & gave some to the neighbors yet. Eggs 20¢. Streets in town look pretty nice.
Thursday, April 14, 1932
We shelled corn this morning, then Papa & Rosalia went to Ernst sale between Mondaville & Foster Pond, bought $1.20, sprinkle can, pans, table, rake & hoe. I seen in the paper Frank Geschwinder got 2500 baby chicks from W.C. Heyl Hatchery.
Saturday, August 22, 1931
Today is Paderborn, & Mondaville pinics [sic]. Osie Neff was here this morn. to see Papa. This afternoon we took some wheat along to Waterloo got 38¢ bu. then went to Washausen sale 3 miles west from there. It was nothing much, to sell so we left again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up agin [sic] till over Sun. We rung our pigs today. We went out & cleaned the cemetery.
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