Tuesday, Aug. 7, 1934

We washed, ironed, patched. Henry has a motor washing machine, got it from Montgomery Ward. Henry had dinner, lunches & supper here; he started a different field now.

Wednesday, June 4, 1930

Papa went up to work at the school this morning a little while.  Bertille went up and called him to help Henry make hay, so Papa and Rosalia went out there all day.  Bertille is baking bread.  Today is Marcella Ettling’s birthday, but the way I heard they are going to celebrate it Saturday night.  Last Friday on Decoration Day, the Hecker baseball players played with Waterloo, but Hecker lost for the first time this season.  Sunday they played with Red Bud and Hecker lost again.  That is the second time for Hecker.  Papa and Rosalia came home right after dinner & then Rosalia & Bertille drove out there , we took all of our quilts along & washed them in that new motor washing machine.  It sure did go nice.  In the evening Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille drove out to Aunt Mary’s and Uncle Fred & when we got there they was just getting ready for the birthday.  Today is Henry Birkner’s birthday.  He is 27 years old.  So we didn’t stay very long out at Uncle Fred’s.  Clifford Stahlheber was here a little while this evening.  He came to tell us that Mrs. Ettling told him that there is going to be a dance Sat. night at their place.  They are going to celebrate Marcella’s birthday & we should also tell Uncle Fred’s, so we did but they had an invitation for Ronnenbergs on Saturday night and Mrs. Ronnenberg told them to tell us, so we [have] an invitation for 2 places Sat. nite.  Henry & family went to Dan Geodells to nite to practice music for Sat. nite, they have to play at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance.