Pap went to Waterloo, get crushing done. Painters are here again; Canned 1 qt. pt. tomatoes, cooked catsup. Cloudy and awful warm. Tipton has there church pinic [sic] at Donahue’s now today instead of Paulter’s park at Waterloo, chicken supper 4-8. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary are helping Oscar Birkner’s move today. Grahlerrs moved out Sun; rest of stock yesterday. Hy Birkner moves tomorrow, down at Oscar’s, & Clem Parkers going to move were [where] Henry lives, & also rent the ground there. Henry rents ground from Uncle Fred; he & A. Mary came, we went along to Donahues to church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing. A. Mary got set of 12 knives & forks, playing bluey. They had to raffle $100 – 1st prize & $35 – 2 prize, selling 5¢ chance & book tickets & $1., & some times sack flour & sugar & beer, Hamacher won case beer at one time; pretty nice crowd. A. Mary bought bowl chicken 25¢, back & necks & wing; we ate it when we got home. They had dance, starting about 10 ‘ o clock, charging 10¢ from gents, ladies free. Hempe musci [sic].
Thursday, May 6, 1937
Acenscion [sic] Holiday. Went to mass at 6 at Red Bud. Fr. Stern is very low received last sacrements [sic] Mon. Uncle Adam’s birthday 87 yrs. We went to Belleville, pap went to dentist, & we did shopping. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & Rose were all in there also, & lot of people from all over. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came planted cabbage plants 50 across the street. Miss Mildred Gambach is at Belleville hospital operated on. Sly. Kabureck is again at home. Brauns from Eliza Ball’s house moved to W. Monike’s house last week. For one day at least it didn’t rain so far. Uncle Fred & A. Mary, Henry & family, & Leo & Rose were all here this evening.
Saturday, Feb. 27, 1937
Snowing lightly all day; Leo & Rose came, him & papa went to Wendell Forness sale at Parrots corner; Leo got jug 15¢. Mr. & Mrs. Forness are going to move to Belleville & son in law Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Schilling. Rose helped quilt all afternoon. Eggs 19¢. Henry got crushing done & stopped in a short while. It was in paper that Mrs. Jul. Rausch found one of her hens had laid an easter egg dark, had yellow band around it. Alois & Gertie came short while, asked Bert to be confirmation sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner, at Paderborn on Apr. 5.
Tuesday, September 1, 1936
No rain, cooler. Hy. Armstutz came with a crop & we shipped 2 doz. chickens. Hy Kleber that lives on Meng farm is now moving again to Floraville. Today Waterloo has church pinic [sic], 75 Anniv. Fr. Freund has mass there this morning, he is now at St. Luke’s at Belleville, as assitant [sic]. Pap got load corn fodder again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had dinner here. Pap went to Waterloo this afternoon. It started raining at 2’o clock, & kept up all nite we didn’t get to the pinic [sic]. they sold 500 supper tickets. Pinic [sic] is again tomorrow.
Friday, July 31, 1936
Henry & Rob. were up, cutting & putting up hay also cut red clover, had dinner & watermellon [sic] lunch, we bought a 18 lb. 15¢ from a guy of Mo. this morn; went around, boy was it good. Seen in paper, Hy. Emery has the first a baby girl since the 28. & also Jo Sommers last Thurs. 5 girls. Mamie & Lucinda & Watchels kids came this evening awhile. Mr. Geo. Braun & son Theo. moved in with Lizzie Boll’s this week; House all fixed.
Tuesday, July 28, 1936
Baked bread, finished ironing, was 105 yesterday, had a real wind storm about 2 oclock this morning, but then got warm again later on. Joe Schilling moving to town today. Kenneth Kemp is tearing his old house down, ready to build; soon. Mrs. Hy. Meng who died Sat. afternoon, will be buried this afternoon at 2 o’clock to the church & cemetery; she was pretty old & in ill health for 6 week, we went to the funeral, house & church, she was 71 yrs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she also went to the funeral, had lunch here; he cut lawn etc. Norman & Irene Reheis played & sang a song. It is so awful warm this eve, no breeze so still, bad weather some place. John Reagen moved his family to Red Bud yesterday; he works on W.P.A. Quarry; they say he gets $100 mon. Walter Monike is moving in Gambach’s house today. Nic Hess is also moving up to Schillings.
Wednesday, July 22, 1936
We dug potatoes about 3 bus. this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took pap along to Frank Monike’s sale at Lords Corner, report is he is going to move his family to the Gambach property on E. Main St; were Pete Watchel formerly lived; but we heard today, Walter & family is coming to Hecker, in that house & Frank is going to move to New Athens. Pap bought plow & harrow etc. & we all went to get it this evening with truck. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper, it was so late when they came back.
Friday, April 17, 1936
Pap had dinner at Henry’s again, finished all but 1 load for Henry yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she was by Staufenbiel’s & he got load rock in woods, & cut his lawn across the street, we cleaned dining room & kitchen. Zita Carrol is going to move her furniture over to E. St. Louis tomorrow, Eichenseer’s truck. Mr. Fred Grohmann of Douglas shot himself Thurs. evening going to be buried tomorrow, leaves his wife Annie nee (Herzog) & 5 sons; all of around Smithon [sic]. Mr. Ed Rehling has a new plymouth sedan; Dr. Wagner was here wanted to get about 6 bus. oats, this evening maybe, when pap home.
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1935
Leona brought Billy [Willis] up to stay till tomorrow. Walter Reheis 30 & Hilda Klube 29 are being married in priest house by F. Eshmann Waterloo Ill. Henry & Leona as attendants, at 2:30 this afternoon. Hilda has a green dress & Black hat, & assesories [sic] & Leona dark rust dress & hat, black shoes; the men dark suits; going to have yellow & rust colored bouquets, it is also Annies 38 birthday; the supper is to be served 4:30 at Reheis for close relatives, brothers & sisters. Jake’s wife is to bake the cake, good supper. Mr. Wm. Gregson’s who lives in Gambach’s place, here are moving to W.C. Heyls farm today. Christ Buehler’s truck, Levis & Mrs. Renneker are helping to move them. The Young ladies are sodality of Hecker parish are giving a euchre party at school hall tonite; second for this month already. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here first then went; we didn’t go. Rose got the boys from school & did Henry’s work, feeding & milking; then came home, boys stayed all night. Alois Havey & Stockel of Waterloo, fixed our chimney, cleaned furnace, took pipe out & etc.
Friday, Oct. 25, 1935
Papa went up in the woods. An ex cripple soldier was here, with basket, 10¢ 25¢ store, we didn’t buy anything. We all went in woods this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this evening. The paper says that Wm. Gregson of this city will moved to the W.C. Heyls farm recently vacated by Phil Mueth. The W.P.A. project work is to commence today at the Waterloo Park, trees shrubbery, to be planted etc; tennis & ball grounds. Frank Mechler superintendent of the work.
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