Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1934

We washed, ironed, nice day, little windy. Shrove Tues. today, Josie Keller’s birthday, 44 yrs. old. Mrs. Stauenfbiel is moving, Zita’s & Felicia’s furniture, storing in by Hy. Rausch; so Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Volkman will move in part of her house, at present. The Men of Augustine’s Parish will give a Pinochle & Euchre tonite in school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then Rose & Bert rode along up to the euchre, & Oh! my what a crowd; 36 tables euchre, alone, without sleepers, & pinochle. Attendance prize $1.50 worth of different articles, all 10¢ each, was won by Lee Howery. Quilt was raffled to Herbert Schmidt Red Bud, so many people from all over, Ruma Myerscough’s, Evansville, Waterloo, Red Bud, Smithon [sic], & all different places. We weren’t lucky, Uncle got a bucket, & Aunt got dougnuts [sic] : dish what she she took there; several nice prizes. Miss Keller won 2 prize 1 left them here for next euchre. Dances at quite a few places.

Saturday, Dec. 16, 1933

Papa got hair cut; him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got a load oats. Baked Oatmeal cookies & pie this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, we all went to Red Bud to Mass. Jake Mauer’s sale, large attendance, papa bought rope & things, it was late till they started the household goods, we left afterwards. Buel Rascow was sale cryer, & John Schumacher, clerk; Mrs. Mauer is going to move to the city & her 2 daughters that are not married, will live with her, Bertha & Stella; everything brought a fair prize for bring cash sale. Mrs. Lizze Peiffer, 53 yrs. of age died last Tues. evening & buried this afternoon at Millstadt Cemetery she was Lizzie Hollerbach; married Chas. Peiffer, have 1 son & 2 daughters. Mr. Elmer Rittmeyer 32 & Miss Edna Rieso 19 are being married at Smithon [sic] Church by Rev. Hoste [? – unclear] at 3 oclock, wearing white dress & veil. Mr. Al Rittmeyer & Alice Mantle are the attendants & Miss Mabel Rieso Maid of honor & Aaron Papenberg groomsmen; one wearing peach, & the other green, with slippers to match; they will live in St. Louis, where the groom is employed, a private reception is held in Daabs Club house this evening for, invited several hundred guests. Santa Claus was in Hecker, Mertz store from 3 o clocks on.

Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1933

George Wagner came, payed [sic] for his hog $3.80 lb. Hy Meng got one to & butchered today. The Moonlighters played at a dance at Foster Pond last nite, wedding of Simon Matthews 19 & Agnes Scheinder 19 & to best, where Chas. Shilling & Mary Matthews. Tonite they played at Pautler’s park; Gents 25 ladies free. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stoped [sic] in, on there way to Red Bud, moving Christ Buehler & family down there, all the Birkners is helped. Frank Buehler moved into a different place down there. Miss Josie Keller was here for supper, she brought us each a dress goods, & quilt patterns. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we went to the free show in school hall. Rheinhardt from Belleville & Scout Boy’s;  all free. When we left Josie got flat tire. Braun’s kids fixed it for her. Ed Pabst brought load corn.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1933

Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry & family where all up butchering. Uncle butchered one here also 215 lbs; they had lunch, dinner, here. Ed. Neff got our Whip. & ground the valves for $2.00 today. “Armistice Day.” Harry Kammler has a dance; tonite. Adm. 25¢ to “Len Kirk & his Missouri Ramblers” playing. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manier moved there family & household goods to St. Louis, where he is going to start a store. We put fresh sausage & eggs on our sign.

Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1933

We washed, papa is fixing corn crib. Ralph Ettling was here last Sat., & papa was there Sun, he bought 3 heifers from him for $36.00. Ettling & his family are going to move to St. Louis, in 3 weeks; going to give his horses to Paul Neff to work, cows to Stoval & hogs to Mo. Rosalia & Bertille went to Mamies, then we all went to the school hall to a dairy show & speaking given by St. Louis Dairy, had Ed Parkers barn pictured. The hallways just crowded, people from Red Bud, Smithon [sic] & all over. Mr. Taylor, & Dr. McCullen where speakers; inspector of milk of health department. Kenneth Kemps birthday, & a bunch went out to celebrate with dance & beer.

Tuesday, August 1, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville, papa got 2 pair shoes in the afternoon, papa got shipstuff at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, they moved there furniture on the north side in there house now, getting ready for Mrs. Vogel & her daughter, school teacher, ate lunch at Aunt Mary’s. Mr. John Rettinghouse died will be buried Aug. 3, Hecker church & cemetery.

Monday, July 31, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went out washing at Henry’s. Bertille stayed, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, painted, got ready for moving. Ate lunch at Aunt Mary’s.

Sunday, July 30, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, lunch. It is rather warm again today. We went early to church, had a blow out coming home close to Chas Helfrichs, changed tires & came on. Fred Papenberg got a new chev & Oscar Birkners a used Ford, all close cars. There must be some thieves around Hecker, Hugo Probst got $10 stolen, Wagners got all the ripe & green plums stolen. Lester Gregson moved from the Gambach place to his own that he bought on East Main St. & Mr. & Mrs. Willie Gregson moved in Gambach property. We had our first roasting ears corn for dinner. The pallbearers from Aunt Lizzie where, Emil Brand, Ben Schilling, Hy Eichelman, Edwin & Willie Reheis, Fred Wiegand. The Heyl’s relatives have basket pinic [sic] at the Round Prairie Park, in honor of Mrs. Kessler from Alba. The threshing crew of Oscar Klotz’s have chicken bouilion, at Sam Krehers woods. It is in the paper that Lavern Koerber 23 & Irene Neff 21 where married at Red Bud by Rev. Stern in Catholic parsonage, Mary Havey & Paul Neff where attendats; last Wed. Roller skates & bicycle riding is the latest in Hecker at present. Mr. Rettinhouse is very bad expecting to live only couple days. We have 2 qts tomatoes canned so far, Mrs. John Reheis has 28 qts. & ain’t near finished yet.

Saturday, July 1, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up took the rest of there onions out in there garden; we helped, they sold them to Braun’s got 94¢ for 51½ lbs. New Athens have home coming today. There was a fire at Kaltwasser’s today, Spalts are threshing at Wacthel & Armstutz set there & spark flew out & started the weeds to burn, they got it out with shovels & water, Joe Wacthel got his hand burned a little. It is so awful hot again. John Reagean & family moved in John Hepps house here in town.

Friday, June 2, 1933

We baked bread. Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville took chickens & eggs along, eggs 8¢ chickens 14¢. Papa went out to Uncle Fred’s, with a horse trader Baur of Belleville, made no trade though. Papa & Rosalia went to Waterloo load of wheat, it is 73¢ today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came picked & stoned the rest of the cherries today. Bertille helped & had lunch there. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Beese, Doris Breutigam & Jero Collins, a grand nephew to Uncle Fred stoped [sic] short while with them, he came from California, stay awhile to visit relatives around here in this country, he hitch hiked it here to Belleville. Seen in the paper, Louis Goessling & family moved from Waterloo to Nashville Ill, where he has a position working on a road. It was in the Belleville paper that Alivra Jatho & Leslie Siebert to wed Sat. afternoon 2:30, & Clemens Mudds & Estella Miller where married at 7, o clock mass at the cathedral; both of New Athens, Ill.