We fixed Aunt Marys pillow cases for the pinic [sic]. Henry & family came up, & the kids stayed here & Bertille went along to Belleville with them, & got a few articles. Ben Rausch’s farm was advertised for public auction last Sat. but no bid was made on it, so it wasn’t sold. The Schoenborn farm of 117 acres near Paderborn was sold last Sat. Mar 4, at public auction. John Schoenborn purchase the farm for $4000.00. Ed Neff build a piece to his blacksmith shop. Henry Kern recently moved from Mrs. Philip Brauns property, to Smithon [sic], Mr. Walter Hecke & family moved into Braun’s property. Henry Schenider’s daughter of Waterloo was confined to their home for having case of diptheria, & Walter Jauger having chicken pox. It is awful cold out tonite.
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1932
We washed & ironed, patched. George Wagner & kids where here awhile. Strodt was here from Burksville & wanted to buy a house, but it was too much money for him. Jack Ganley bought $30.00 part interest this morn. he works at Phil Braun’s helping to build a shed; they had frolic yesterday putting it up, they called over the lines, everybody was welcome to help. It rained this afternoon. We heard there where 5 families from the city moving out to Lords Corner, all boys that where raised in Lords Corner, starting in farming. Nick Frisch from that corner is moving on Wm. Sheets place by New Athens. Papa sewed alfalfa seed this afternoon, with Meng’s sewer.
Monday, May 2, 1932
Papa went out to help Henry haul logs, he had lunch, dinner, lunch there. We washed, ironed, clean basement. Robert Laut’s are moving in there house in Hecker today, Phil Braun, Al. Geodells have trucks, & George Henkel, George Boll, are helping, Blackburn’s, Clevelands also.
Wednesday, March 9, 1932
Geo. Sensel has sale this afternoon, awful cold, Adolph Schaefer from Waterloo bought the farm & will move out soon. Papa was up town this afternoon, they told him there it was a pretty big crowd at the sale & everything brought a fair price. It started in to snow this morning but not long.
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1932
We went to Red Bud to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, & played cards awhile then went home. Mrs. Rennecker was saying this morn. that Mrs. Elmer Kammler is pretty bad sick, she has an awful bad cold. Robert Laut bought the old Mrs. Laut’s place & is going to move up to Hecker, when school is out & Mr. & Mrs. Laut are going by Elmer Kammlers, because Mr. Laut ain’t able to word [sic – work] any more, he can’t carry a bucket of water or a armful of wood.
Friday, April 3, 1931
Papa & Bertille went to church this morning. Henry & Leona went to Belleville & left the kids here. The rabbit came & laid eggs for the boys. Leona got a new spring hat this morn. for $1.69 a brown one. Rosalia finished our dresses today. There was a lady here, bought 2 doz. eggs for 18¢ a doz. Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, were all here this evening, we all went to church. Uncle Fred took care of the boys. I seen in the Waterloo Paper that Mat Crowe is going to move above Wolf’s Store & Leo Kohler is moving where Uncle Matt lived.
Friday, Feb. 20, 1931
We sent a birthday card today too Martha Boll, her birthday is Sunday, & also it is Frieda Buehler’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here a little while this morn. & then they went down to Red Bud to help Christ Buehler’s move, they are going to to move on Mrs. Threfall’s farm today. He has already 4 horses, & a wagon. He only took 3 horses past here, & 2 truck loads of furniture & things. Mrs. Buehler is also helping them. Bertille went to church this evening.
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 1931
Today lent begins. Papa went to church this morning. Rosalia is up again today. Osie Neff moved today in Lutz’s house here in Hecker. Bertille went to church this evening for lent services. It is raining again tonight. We put out cabbage plants out in a bunch today. It is too wet to set them out yet.
Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1931
Leona sent a 1/2 gal. milk along with the milk driver & this afternoon Bertille baked Cream Pies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came down this evening first before they went up to the euchre. They brought our cabbage plants along. There is a lot of cases of measles around now, Adam Eckert’s, Ed Cortners children all have them now. Mrs. Threfall moved a truckload of her things out today, they are going to move up by Darmstadt, they are to be out by Thurs. or’s they have to set them out. The Waterloo Bank has it in it’s hands. Christ Buehler is going to move in just as soon as their out. Today is Elvis Jatho’s birthday.
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1931
We went to Belleville this morn. & sold 5 doz. eggs for .25¢ & 12 doz. for .20¢. We got new hats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too. The way it looks like Elmer Kammlers are moving today. They are loading up things, rugs & boxes up too Gambachs place, but they wasn’t told to move by Uncle Fred & Elmer never say anything to him. Tonight is euchre in the new school hall again. Papa & Rosalia are hauling water from Henry’s cistern and are putting it in ours, with milk cans. Papa took the milk cans back to Oscar Birkners & Ronerbergs again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening & then we all went to the euchre, there wasn’t many people there. Rosalia & Aunt Mary each won a prize. Rosalia had 7 points & got a hat. Aunt Mary had 8 points & got a pair of pillow cases.
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