Friday, March 9, 1934

Henry brought load corn. He sold 6 pigs for $5.50 to Stehl. We went up in the woods, there all day, was pretty nice, 4 o’clock it got so cold, & snowing all night; Oh! Boy! what snows we are having. The Basket groceries last Sat. nite at City Grocery was won by Al Heintz & at Rau’s Store, by Sisters of the Convention Waterloo. City Grocery is still haveing [sic] special prices & sale, Sat. evening, a box of Groceries will be awarded again.

Saturday, March 3, 1934

Papa got haircut. We went to Waterloo this afternoon; special sale at Mudds City Grocery, sugar for 48¢ etc; sign your name on a card to win 1 bu. basket groceries; to be raffled this evening; we have our names in. There was two funeral this afternoon in town, McDonald, to Catholic Cemetery; & Max Schlich, Evangaciol [sic] church & cemetery. Robert got 3 teeth pulled by Dr. Hotz, today. The state men are testing the hard road out west, now. Mr. Ed. Meng had a light stroke this morning, they called for Mr. Rennecker, & the doctor, he couldn’t talk Lena said, but he can open his mouth now.