Rose came A. [Aunt] Mary & Josie stayed last nite, out. we canned 4 doz. qts peaches, & made preserves, 3 doz. for Rose; cooked 12 bottles catsup, canned 2 qts. Uncle Fred went & got Leo, all here for supper, had spring chicken 2 celebrating Wedd. Ann. [of Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary] Henry & family came here yet, got bu. peaches. S. Rennecker got bu. to said they were to green yet & we thought to ripe. Clara Wagner came, wanted peaches to; gave them mushmelon & watermelon.
Friday, July 23, 1937
Buehler’s finished threshing, we got 107 bus. share. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, were helping Adam Eckerts threshing; dinner & lunch; threshed yesterday already. There are so many truck loads of Watermelons & muskmellons [sic] going by.
Monday, Aug. 10, 1936
We washed & ironed, pretty hot, 90 at 1:30 o’clock. Geo. Boll was around selling water mellons [sic], etc. we bought 2 muskmelon 10¢. Pap went out helped Henry spread lime dust. Leona is in Waterloo, Mrs. Geodelle was pretty bad sick for 3 days; is little better.
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