Sunday, March 25, 1934

Went to Red Bud church. Henry Birkner’s little girl is a yr. old today, but can’t walk, & stand very much. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up late mass, receive palms. Had dinner here. Uncle Fred & papa drove back to Hemp’s at St. Joe on business. We went over to George Wagner’s a little while to see Clara, she is in bed with bad cold. This evening we went down to Ruma to John Myerscouph’s, gave them a visit, played cards, looked at pictures. Oh Boy! did it rain, just poured down when we came home; about 11:30.

Monday, March 12, 1934

We washed & ironed, Oh! my some wind, blew the cloths line in pieces; dried good. Papa hauled in hay. We all went to Conrand Myerscough’s to look at a horse that he wants to trade with the mule, but they can’t get together so far; also went to see Mr. Laurent, also by Ruma, advertised our heifers for sale. Rosalia went after the mail, send order for Aunt Mary hair color, took Mrs. Staufebiel’s pattern back, got 14¢ for eggs. Mr. Hill came for news. Rudolph got buried at Red Bud this morn. Dr. Roland Isselhartd is observing his natal anniversary at 212 S. Charles St.

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 1934

We washed, ironed, nice day, little windy. Shrove Tues. today, Josie Keller’s birthday, 44 yrs. old. Mrs. Stauenfbiel is moving, Zita’s & Felicia’s furniture, storing in by Hy. Rausch; so Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Volkman will move in part of her house, at present. The Men of Augustine’s Parish will give a Pinochle & Euchre tonite in school hall. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then Rose & Bert rode along up to the euchre, & Oh! my what a crowd; 36 tables euchre, alone, without sleepers, & pinochle. Attendance prize $1.50 worth of different articles, all 10¢ each, was won by Lee Howery. Quilt was raffled to Herbert Schmidt Red Bud, so many people from all over, Ruma Myerscough’s, Evansville, Waterloo, Red Bud, Smithon [sic], & all different places. We weren’t lucky, Uncle got a bucket, & Aunt got dougnuts [sic] : dish what she she took there; several nice prizes. Miss Keller won 2 prize 1 left them here for next euchre. Dances at quite a few places.

Sunday, Feb. 4, 1934

Went to Red Bud, had throat blessing after mass. Fr. Stern gave the children a good lecture about cursing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, & went home again. Conrad Myerscough & sons stoped [sic] and looked at the mule. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, she & Bertie went over to see Minnie Staufenbiel; then came back, played pinochle. Levi Ganley has a diferent car.

Monday, Jan. 8, 1934

We washed. Mr. Hill came for news. Mr. & Mrs. John Myerscough, & Peter came up to Hecker, thought the funeral was today but it isn’t till tomorrow; so they came here, & had dinner with us. Mr. Wil Harbaugh, mineral feed man, stop & gave us a call; we took our Christmas tree down. They took Mrs. Philip Braun to Oakville, [Okwaville] to a hospital; she has rehumatism [sic] so awful bad, Rita went along yesterday.

Sunday, Dec. 31, 1933

We went to Red Bud, took Mrs. Chas Helfrich & kids along & brought them & Jonny Roscow back. Mrs. Josephine Kelley wife of Wm. Kelley died Thurs. evening & was buried this afternoon at Ruma, we went down to the funeral, Fr. Whitte had charge of it, no sermon, & never opened the coffin, just blessing, & buried in Ruma Cemetery, seen quite a few people that we knew, Meyerscouh’s & Tiptown people. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t get out, the roads are to bad; It sure did turn warm yesterday & today, the snow is all gone. Tonite the New Year shooters will have to be out.

Thursday, Nov. 30, 1933

Thanksgiving Day. We went to Red Bud church. Then went on to Aunt Mary for chicken dinner & supper, backbones, Iceberg lettuce, cranberries. Oh Boy! Did it taste good; Cream cake, pumpkin pie. Hot Dogs! Hy. Meng came, paid for his hog. 23¢ lbs. at $3.75. Hy & family came left the kids, here & we went along with them to Brezzy Hill to Myrtle Rau, Quentin Schroeder, wedding dance, bride wore white & veil, bridesmaids wore green, blue. Country Club Orc. from there we went to Oak Grove, to Mudd & Hendrick wedding dance, & crowd, Oh My! on both places, string band. Myerscough & Deukers where all there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie, came up, so they played, pinochle till 12′ o  clock. Henry sends his milk to Waterloo Creamery now.

Sunday, Oct. 8, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile this morning. We went down to Ruma to the 18th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Myerscough, in the hall, big crowd, some from here, Gregson’s, Krehers, Parker, Papenberg, neighbors string band played. Oct. 5 was the day.

Friday, Oct. 6, 1933

Papa is discing corn ground, with Roy’s horse & kids brought it here. Liesce Lumber Co. stopped, inquired the way to Bill Heyl’s. Bertille got the mail, received an invitation card to come to Ruma to J. Merycouth [sic- Myerscough] dance at the hall, wedding anniversary dance. Mrs. Dalkert passed away Oct. 3. buried this afternoon. Harold Hellmer & Bertram were published 1st time.