We washed, ironed. George Boll & Ike Napier was here & looked at our fat hog, they bought it market price $4.45 or $4.50 going to get it tomorrow morning. We lost 2 little chicks so far, out of 407. We have 10 little pigs born today but 3 she laid on, so we only have 7 left so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this even, she cut Rosalia’s dress out, used Josie Gregson’s pattern. Rosalia & Bertille went along up to church with Aunt Mary to lent devotion, benediction & sermon.
Friday, Nov. 25, 1932
Bertille got the mail. Dorothy Napier was around selling something this morning. We went to bed early & slept it out tonite.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 1932
Papa got crushing done this morn. Mr. John Wiegard 30 & Mamie Kleber 21 are getting married today at Smithon [sic], with Fred & Dorthy as best, sister to the bride, & brother of the groom. They are having a dance at the Brick House, but we aren’t invited. George Boll & Ike Napier where going around selling hog meat today, we didn’t take any on account Henry butchering; he sold pork saussage [sic] & hams for 12½ & the rest for 10¢, so did Henry. Mrs. Stauenfbiel came over to see if she could ride down with us to Red Bud in the morning, she wants to go to church there.
Wednesday, June 17, 1931
We where all at Henry’s today for lunch dinner & lunch. Emil was helping too. But they broke a piece on the binder, so they had to stopped at 3:30. We helped to clean the summer kitchen. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here on there way to Ike Napier’s to a party, we where invited but didn’t go. It is Ike’s birthday.
Tuesday, May 5, 1931
We are going to wash quilts today. Leona & the kids came up. They where here for lunch & dinner. We washed in all 12 quilts, & front room curtains, & table scarfs, & also washed windows, & cleaned the front room. Papa & the boy’s & Clifford where picking up rocks in the chicken yard & put them on the truck & hauled them on the road. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, she went to the play in the school hall given by the children, there wasn’t many there, about 12 people, it is to be tonight again, but it is raining all the time. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, she went over to George Wagner’s a while. Tonight they want to go to Ike Napiers, it is Dorothy’s bithday & they are giving a dance party. They didn’t go account of rain. Mr. Jackson a medicine show man was here to see Papa, if he could stage a show on our ground by the highway for a week but Papa told him no. So they are going to have it on the School grounds beginning tomorrow evening. They have no tent just seats. Mr. Peter Dehn died Mon. evening at 7 & will be buried Thurs. afternoon in Red Bud cemetery. He was 86 yrs. old & sick about a year, most of the time in bed. Mrs. Philip Lehr was buried this morning in Red Bud.
Sunday, May 3, 1931
Today Papa is 53 yrs. old. Ike Napier was here & brought some cheese for Aunt Mary a bowl full. Today is also Mamie Mueth’s birthday, she is 17 yrs. old. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family where here for dinner & lunch we had chicken dinner. Henry & Leona went home & did the feeding & left the kids here, we all went to the truck patch. In the evening Henry & Leona & Aunt Mary, Rosalia Bertille went to church. Bill & Creses where out too. The evening was spent in playing music, singing, cake & Beer where refreshments served. Hecker & Belleville baseball club played today. Belleville won in a score of 18 to 4.
Saturday, March 7, 1931
It rained nearly all night, & this morning snowing. Today is Mrs. John McCarthy Sale. Papa went this afternoon. He took the Whippet, he said he see the road back there how it was, & if he couldn’t get through he would let his machine stand by Caldwell’s. Papa heard this morning at Hecker that Ed. Gregson living along the hard road down towards Red Bud died. Papa took Clifford along to the sale, they left the machine stand, & walked to the house, but there was no more than about 2 dozen people there, so the sale was postponed until Thurs. afternoon. Ike Napier & Ed. Meng where there also, they left the machine stand to, by the Portland School & walked there. Eggs are 18¢ today.
Monday, Dec. 8, 1930
Today is Church Holiday. We all went to first mass this morning & then came home & ate breakfast & dinner. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Emil were all here, after that Oscar Birkner’s family came to get the wash stand. Emil was here to see about butchering. Henry & family went to Waterloo today. We all went in to Belleville, Aunt Mary took some eggs along in & sold 3 doz. for .35¢. We bought some toys for the kids Christmas presents. The Hecker people were all mostly presented in there. Ike Napiers moved today from the Knapp place to Ed. Meng’s again, Sensel & Pannebecker Blackburn moved him back, he was only up there about 3 months. Adam Eckert’s birthday is today.
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1930
Today is Mrs. Napier’s birthday. We washed this morning. Papa went out to Henry’s. Osie Neff is butchering a cow for him, he is going to take it to Waterloo and sell it there. Papa had dinner out there & then he took some beef back to Willie Ganley’s & then brought some to Uncle Fred’s. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s this afternoon & finished our dresses. This evening Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie, we played cards & dominos. Mr. Fries is getting buried this afternoon at New Athens. There is also 2 funerals at Smithton, Mr. Heinrich, Mrs. Weyhaupt.
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