We cooked soap, cleaned the yard, seperated [sic] & marked chicken. Pap & Berti went out to Henry’s with the wagon, Berti helped clean front room, brought load corn fodder along back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, fixing her dress; had Oscar’s baby along to. Sure beautiful weather. The tree man was here again, he won’t start hauling for awhile, they are working in the bottoms now. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Neff have baby. Pres. Roosevelt came to St. Louis & E. St. Louis & made a speech, 400,000 people.
Tuesday, May 12, 1936
Celestine Neff came selling chances for a quilt, to be raffled at there play. Josie Keller visited at the hospital tonite. Lester Gregson & Cora Armstutz called there this afternoon where we were there, Bert came along home, Rose stayed tonite. Henry was over at Mengs with the team, called here a while.
Sunday, March 15, 1936
Beautiful day, we wore spring hats, & coats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a short while, after church, she wanted to get the Sun. paper, but Mertz had no more there. Mrs. Jerome Cortner was taken to Belleville hospital in an ambulance last nite; she got a hemmorhage [sic], took the baby to Nic Cortners, they had been visiting Ben Neffs she felt sick, & went home at 8 o clock, not long after took her to the hospital, she worked hard yesterday yet. Olive Laut came got 1 lb. butter, there going to plant potatoes out at Boll’s today. Omer Schilling brought our clover seed, this afternoon. We went to Foster Pond to see a certain party, then went to see Davis, to Belleville, looked at cows. Rose went to Joe Griffin’s to see about radio batteries.
Saturday, Feb. 22, 1936
Washington Birthday. Pap got crushing done this morn. Henry did also, stopped here awhile. Floyd has the mumps now. Mrs. Renneker came & got some cottage cheese, also Lauts & a fellow here yesterday from Millsdat [sp] – looking for shoats, we sent him out to Henry’s, he bought them – 6 – $35. They say Walter Neff & Slyveria Helfrich are being married in St. Louis today.
Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935
Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.
Monday, Nov. 18, 1935
Henry & Leona, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here butchered 2, one for us & 242 lbs. & one for Uncle Freds 250 lbs; the boys went to school; Uncle Fred took load home & came back again for supper; it is his birthday 61 yrs. old, we went out this evening. Henry & family, Chris Buehlers family & Oscar Birkner & 2 boy’s & Kenneth Neff, were there, played pinochle, games, sang songs, had cake, cookies. Fredrick Fritsch was here wanted eggs, we had none. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Hecker school has visiting day; no school here.
Saturday, Nov. 9, 1935
Some men around fixing stoves & etc. Pap went up town, butchering a hog by Eichenseer’s today for the wustmark [sic – Wurstmart] Mon, at the School Hall. It rained all day. Roy Neff was around taking orders for beef, they butchered one yesterday, pap went up this afternoon & got 50¢ roast 3 lbs; sell it at 18¢ & soup meat 16¢. Alps. Karban & Elmer Buss have a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite Moonlight Orch. Gents 25 ladies free; & rain all night, terrible.
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1935
Nice day, cooked 2 kettle soap, iron. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, him & papa went out to get some rock out of the woods for Uncle’s road. Clara Wagner got 1 doz. eggs. Adolph Spalts moved to town today Jac Neff’s house; Henry is getting married & going to live on the farm.
Monday, Aug. 5, 1935
We washed; ironed. Papa went in the woods. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Bernice got 1 dz. eggs. The prizes at Smithon [sic] yesterday were won $100.00 by Wil Grossman $50.00 Quirin girl; Eichenseer won a quilt, there was $25.00 & set harness & 22 quilts all for 10¢ chance. Bud Braun & Roy Neff was here selling chances for the pinic [sic] on 28th Aug. pap took one.
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