We washed, ironed, rain all afternoon, no threshing. Hy. Bruns was here, papa paid him $1.90 for hauling clover seed 19 sacks @10¢. Ed & Emery Kreher & Jake Neff was here. Emery is looking for a horse; he just lost one. Berti took the yeast over to Wagner’s & she gave us cucumbers to eat; to make salad. Sure good. Eggs 19¢.
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Papa went up & got Osie Neff to look at the place, were he wanted him to set the engine for threshing, he then went out to Henry’s; worked the mares, work fine, wagon, corn cultivator etc. had lunch out there. We went to Belleville & home by Millsdadt [sic], Waterloo & Red Bud, to see several parties on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, stopped a little while, & went to Praire [sic] Du Rocher to Jennette Ronnenberg’s & Fink wedding dance. We went to a free dance at Oak Grove, & nice crowd, Blossom City Boys playing. Oliver Pour has a new car chev.
Tuesday, July 2, 1935
Henry & papa went to Red Bud to see Ratz. Baked cookies canned 5½ qts beets & 1 can beans; had chicken dinner. There was a car went by just like a train, from Hollywood; Motion Picture Studio. was very pretty. an airplane flew south west real low this morn. Papa went out to help Henry cut oats again, the Whip. stopped coming home on the other side of town, he called for Rose to come, pull him in now it works again. had lunch out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she & Berti went over to Minnies Staufenbiels, tried her dress; they had lunch here, & she went back over there again. Celestine Neff is working for Mrs. Mertz taking care of the baby Mrs. she is help out in the store, when the mail comes in.
Monday, May 6, 1935
We washed, hung it in the basement, cleaned chick house. Went out to Henry’s this afternoon, finished the front room, put wax floor & furniture, beat the rug etc. Emil was down awhile. Uncle Adam’s birthday 86 yrs old; girls were home yesterday he said. Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle came out, Henry has a sick heifer. Eggs 21¢. Rose took old hens to Eichenseers, got 16¢ for 6 – .08 for 1. Hy Volkmann is pretty sick, has double pneoumiana [sic], have a nurse there now at nights; no one is allowed in, only the ones that take care of him. Tiptown parish is giving euchre tonite. Mrs. Neff is getting buried this morning, from the home of Ben Neff to Paderborn, church & cemetery; that is his mother, also Mrs. Joe Schilling.
Friday, May 3, 1935
Papa 57 yrs old today. Rosalia went to Red Bud got chick feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, for supper & in evening. Henry & family came to this evening, had cake, etc. Uncle Fred went to Neff’s & down to Red Bud. Rose took eggs up 21¢.
Thursday, May 2, 1935
Creeks are all out. Raining all day. We went out to Henrys had dinner, papered the front room, didn’t quite finish, Emil came down a little while after dinner. Karl Boll’s moved from Jac. Neffs house in town out to J. Henkel’s place again.
Monday, April 29, 1935
Raining all morning. Papa went to Hecker to see Osie Neff, took 12 doz. eggs along. Jake Neff was here last nite, short while on business. Nic Schaefer came paid $10.00 rest of the hay looked at colt. Sunshine this afternoon, nice day. Papa went down to see Chris Buehler. Ralph Collier stopped in. Mr. Ed Pabst came, told papa he measured the land by Kunkelman’s for wire fence; also looked at the colt, taught [sic – thought] it was awful nice. We went to bed about 7 o’clock, slept it out Oh Boy.
Tuesday, March 5, 1935
Papa went out to Henry’s, also Ivo Rapp he got 20 bus. oats, @ 60¢, just sacked them up & weighed them didn’t take them along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went to the Catholic euchre, was an awful large crowd at the euchre, 33 tables, a quilt was raffled away. We went to Brezzy Hill, to a dance, last before lent, Pals Harmony played musci [sic], not much of a crowd; to much doing tonight, all over something. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on the quilt to be raffled.
Sunday, Feb. 10, 1935
Went to Red Bud. It is cloudy again today. Art Schaefer & Clarance Kreher came here & gave us an invitation to Kammler’s Hall tonite, for surprise Agnes on her birthday anniversary. Jerry Neff is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, Adm. 25¢ for gents, ladies free. Musci [sic] by Cowboys of Rythmn [sic]. The tea set given away at Connor’s City Grocery was won by Mrs. Ed Rehling. We went to Waterloo to Jerry’s birthday, nice crowd, Neffs family where also in; we stopped at Kammlers on the way home, a little while, also had a nice crowd, Schoenborn & Schaefer playing & Helfrich boys of Paderborn & Birkner boys had a little scrap, one had his shirt all torn, they came to Waterloo after that, they had it in the saloon; they also passed cake around; here.
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1935
We washed, quilt. Uncle Fred walked home, did some work, all day. Papa went to barber shop, also went to see Stehfest, about selling his hiefer [sic]. Osie Neff was here, said it was all right to cut the tree down, by his road, so I guess he will. Bertille finished at the dentist & paid him $18.00, Rose $8.00 & B [Bertille] $10.00, rather busy today. Rose got 3 pulled & 1 filled & Berti got 3 filled, of which, killed 2 nerves. A guy from Cairo going to Mo. hit Brun’s car last night, in front of Mrs. Ida Bruns house, Machines were wrecked, but are going to be repaired. Lester & Eugene Bruns in the car were cut about the face, & Chas. Wagner also was hurt in chest; Bruns had 2 wheels on hard road, & this other guy was drunk & found a wiskey [sic] bottle in his car; his car was injured; don’t know yet, who will stand charges. Our line has telephone meeting at Hill’s, Mr. Rennecker & papa went over; Elections of officers, still have the same ones. Clara Wagner & kids, came & then George also after the meeting, we played 5 hand pinochle. The Ladies Aid have quilting in the Evangical [sic] Church these days.
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