Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had breakfast & dinner here. they & papa went to E. St. Louis. Mr. Robert Laut came got sack alalfa [sic] hay. Osie Neff came asked about cutting a tree down at his road. H. M. Hill here gathering up news; wanted to buy ground along the road by his house, no bargains made yet; it is for parking space. It is awful cloudy; we baked bread, put the Snowball quilt in the frame. We all ate supper, played cards. Starting in to rain.
Friday, Nov. 23, 1934
Started fire in furnace. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got wheat for crushing, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hellmer of Waterloo, are the parents of a 7½ lb. baby girl born last Wed. The Paderborn fighters had a trial at Belleville this morning, the case was settled between themselves, Edwin Neff & Leo & Wiefred Cortner & August Schaefer & Jake Orlet, the Cortners said, they will not go to Paderborn & Neff neithers, he was employed at Evansville now. Edwin Neff struck a boy at Main St. this morning, with the car, the boy wasn’t hurt, & his name was not given.
Saturday, Nov. 17, 1934
Papa got crushing done. Roy Staufenbiel’s boy hasn’t got winter fever, he said he ate dried butter beans, about 40 has already passed through. Mr. Ed Pabst brought 3 sacks potatoes, clover seed & lumber this morning. Hy. Armstutz brought ¹⁄3 corn. It rained a little this morning. but then the sun came, out nice again. Mr. Edwin Neff, sued Jake Orlet & Gus Schaefer for striking him at the dance in Paderborn Tues. night, knocked him in the head broke his glasses, must of been a real fight, the way it is said. Mr. Lawrence Matthews is giving a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, ladies free.
Monday, July 2, 1934
We washed, ironed; patched. Papa went to Armstutz’s got his team & went to Meng’s & got the mower & cut the hay. we helped to put it away. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, came went to Hy’s birthday. Mamie & Clarence were down awhile, this evening. Christian Neff’s baby of 2 weeks was buried last week at Paderborn, died of lockjaw. Eggs 10¢ today.
Thursday, June 28, 1934
Jos. Schilling pull his threshing outfit up to Ed Kreher’s today, & Oscar Klotz to Louis Voges. Osie Neff drives the engine what Phil Braun had last year; he isn’t going out. Jack Mueth runs it for Schilling’s run. Pete Kreher’s boy from St. Louis, is working for G. Schilling, driving bundle wagon. It is awful hot weather these day, yesterday 100 in shade. Mr. & Mrs. S. Hellmer wedding anniversary, also Arthur Meohrs. The paper says the new wheat in Monroe & St. Clair Cos, will be 80¢ bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Red Bud, got flour, brought papa pair tennis shoes along $1. Henry & family came this evening, got the mule, his horse gave out threshing today, at Pete Reheis, just fell down, is blooted [sic], they say. Eggs 11¢.
Friday, June 22, 1934
We went out to Uncle Freds picked 1½ gal. berries, made jelly, had lunch there. Papa went out to Henry’s helped set up schrocks. Mr. Ralph Neff 25 & Annie Dietz 24 were married Sat. June 16 at Catholic Church in Waterloo, Celestine, bridesmaid, & Herman Diez groomsmen; they are going to live in St. Louis; were he is employed.
Thursday, May 3, 1934
Papa is 56 yrs. old today. Ed Neff has sold his filling station & tools & now he moved to St. Louis were he is employed as a mechanic. On May 12 will be another school election, appoint a new director on Rausch’s place who just resigned. Papa went to Red Bud got chick mash & cement. Mr. Rennecker brought our paper down. Eggs are 12¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all up for the birthday, cake, popcorn, beer wine were served.
Monday, April 9, 1934
Beautiful day. We washed, ironed, disinfected the brooder house. Papa & Rose went up in the woods. Mr. Hill was here. The pallbearers for Mrs. Birkner were, George Parker, Ed Cortner, Nic Helfrich, Ignatz Neff, William Kaiser, J. Kreher. Martha Schilling said a prayer before they left the house; no bells were tolled, being it was Sun; mass will be Wed. morning. Eggs. 13¢
Wednesday, April 4, 1934
Papa & Rosalia went in the woods; this morn. Ed. Neff has sold his tools to Hugo Probst who is going to start up a garage, Neff quit, he has chicken pox now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & we went to Burksville to Dugan’s Hall, Tiptown congregation was going to give a euchre & dance there, but orders came from the bishop to have it at Tiptown, so they had to take tables all out & take them there, this afternoon first. So we went back home again, looked to much like rain to drive there, went by Waterloo home stopped at Rexs got ice cream, then went home. Some Euchre, Oh. Boy!
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