Bert had house cleaning today, & what a dirt, scrubbed everything; upstairs & down. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came brought the paper along, picture was in it, it isn’t so bad, Isd. about the best; ain’t so very clear; also the picture of Tolan of New Athens & Edna Qurinin, were married here in Hecker, same day at 8 o’clock in morn. attendants, Oliver her brother, & Edith Klinkhardt, & Mr. & Mrs. Leucker of E. St. Louis, had breakfast at Restaurant in New Athens, then him & her left for St. Charles Ill; were he is assistant at School for Boy’s there. she also wore white dress & veil & Edith had taffeta & blue flowers & shoes. There picture didn’t take so very good either. Eggs. 19¢ today.
Thursday, Jan. 21, 1937
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed here all nite had breakfast here, we went to bed at 3 ‘o clock this morning dance lasted till 1:30, also had keg beer, box cigars, lemonade etc.; Pap & Rose & Bert went to Orlets. Querheims brought in the furniture, Eichenseers the stove, all had dinner there, Isd. is still there, the old folks live in Smithton now. We have so much of everything left, cake, pie; sure bad today ice – Aunt May send her a $5.00 wedding present. Val Adams & Gusta were out for the dance; just everybody was there. Hy & family & Lizzie Boll, came to see the presents & helped to wrap them, Leo & Rose & Isd. came to, this eve. they got stuck first in the lane, road; We cleaned up on wedding cake, sent a piece to Uncle Adam, Fr. Stern & Orlet & his housekeeper Ann & Aunt Mary, drank beer, even had to throw about 1 gal. of it away yet. Is. brought the paper along, the write up was in the New Democrat.
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1937
Leo Orlet & Rose wedding day; had Lizzie Boll & Aunt Mary & Leona helped cook; married at St. Mary’s at 9 o’clock, Isd. & Bert best; lot of people at church, we had breakfast at Fr. Orlets; & took pictures at Ruine, & put news in News Democrat; had Fr. out for dinner & all brothers & sisters, god mothers & fathers; Jos. Keller all for dinner & supper about 40 persons; took pictures here in afternoon. Dance at Paulter tonite musci [sic] by Skaers, etc. & what a crowd, & presents, got 3 sets of dishes 2 knives & forks, blankets, quilts, tea kettle & every so many more; Rained this morning & cloudy all day; foggy. We had Alois Roth’s car, & he took Leo, chaeuffer [sic] for Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Mr. & Mrs. Roth.
Sunday, June 11, 1933
Today is band concert in Smithon [sic], & the News Democrat Corres. was to have there pinic [sic] at Daab’s ClubHouse but was given up now on account of the concert. there is pinic [sic] & cold supper here, given by the Evangical [sic] church; we went down awhile, watch the ball game between Red Bud & Hecker, the latter won 5 to 3; there wasn’t much doing at the pinic [sic] in the afternoon, everybody was at Smithon [sic]; at the band concert; the Koehler’s Orch. furnished music for the pinic [sic], Casper Koehler, Rahn, Cowell, Auelibou, are in the band. Uncle Fred won the quilt that was raffled, & a dandy. Bertille got pair pillow cases at playing bluey. Ed Schilling was published for 3 times & wedding will be Wed. morn. 8 o’clock at Red Bud dance at Oak Grove in the evening. Mamine Mueth & Bess Hillmer where published 1st time in Waterloo.
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