We cleaned the two front rooms, waxed floors. There was a piece in the paper about the world coming to the end yesterday; not it will be in 1942 or 43 it said; a prophet claimed that; Alice & Lucille are now at Cleveland’s staying there.
Monday, Dec. 4, 1933
We washed, ironed. Oscar Klotz was here, to see if we wanted to buy corn. Klotz has some to sell; for 40¢ bu., but we got ours now. Mr. Hill was here gathering news for the paper. It is an awful nice day, warm. Josie Keller is spending, Sun. & Mon. at Ben Heyl’s & Tues. at Triveollers at Red Bud, then she is going back home again. Kenneth Kemp got a new coupe Pontiac cars. We sawed wood this afternoon. Henry, Cleveland, Emil. Uncle Fred helped. Aunt Mary stayed here, we put her quilt in the frame across the street, they had supper here, then we played 5 hand pinochle.
Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1932
Papa was up at Osie Neff’s today to see wether [sic] it would suit to measure his road & stacked it off, but it dosn’t [sic] suit him. Gustv Dudenhoeffer was out at Pete Reheis all last week. There is so much sickness going around again. Mr. Hill had wooping [sic] cough & Willis Harbaugh children, Henry Birkners & Frank Birkners & Oscar’s kids are sick, Ed Cortners, Nic Schaefers, Ed Schneiders, kids all got some kind of sickness & lots others yet. John Reageans & Bill Harbaughs got the signs on for Scarlet fever. A man was here trying to sell the Daily Advocate paper. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie came here, then we all went to the euchre in Kammler’s Hall, Bertille had 8 points & got a bucket. Josie got bobby price [sic – booby prize] a layer cake. Rheinhardts band played for the dance.
Friday, Sept. 18, 1931
Papa went up town. Today he is supposed to be at Belleville but ain’t going, Ignatz Neff received a letter too, he is going in. Papa went to Red Bud on business. There was a man going around taking orders to sell coffee. I seen in the Waterloo paper that Wm. Heyl’s daughter Ester got married to Hugh Mays last Sat. Mildred Stiffler got, was granted a divorce from Harry Stiffler. Steve was over & looked at our hogs this eve, they walk lame, but eat good.
Tuesday, July 21, 1931
This morning our cistern is full again. Papa went up town this morn. We dug a bucket full of straw potatoes, & planted some more pickle seed, & turnip seed. Papa & Rosalia fixed fenced this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up again this afternoon. We all had lunch there. We helped her scrubb [sic] the porch & rooms. I seen in the paper today that Clarence Rittinhouse 26 & Arthur Meuth had a serious accident last Sat. night at 10 o clock. On the Belleville bridge right south edge of town, he met a car & the lights blinded him & he side swiped a third car coming, & his machine ran of the pavement & down the bankment of, the down in there, the machine caught fire & Rettinghouse was burnt arms & legs, he still in the hospital & the ambulance was called to take Mueth to the hospital, but he was discharged after treatment. Rettinghouse & Zollmer the car which was damaged they will settle it between themselves.
Sunday, Sept. 7, 1930
We went to late mass this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here all day, we took them home this evening. We at the watermelon this afternoon. What we got from Lee Gregson for .30¢. It tasted pretty good. Uncle Fred gave Mr. Hill a piece to put in the paper about Rosalia’s birthday.
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