Papa sowed wheat, Rosalia got crushing done. Hy. Meng got our mule, & worked him. We went to Red Bud to Waterloo, got glass put in chev; seen where 2 cars, that smashed this morn, by Donahue’s on R. 3, one came from St. Louis, that was Connor’s from Prairie Du Rocher, he was out on an all nite party, & was sleeping they say went the accident happened, at 6 o clock this morn, the other car was going to E. St. Louis. 7 persons where injured, 6 broken legs & in Red Bud Hospital, the cars look asight, all smashaed, total wreck, Nobbe has the cars. There is an all nite dance at Oak Groves & 20 Wedding Anniversary dance at Brezzy Hill, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Crook; musci [sic] by Moonlighters.
Saturday, April 29, 1933
Papa got crushing done. George Wagner came & borrowed a fork to help Clifford straw potatoes. Mr. Louis & Bill Reisfshender was here looked at our pigs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we papa & Berdel [sic – Bertille?] went to Miss Lizzie Parkinson’s sales everything went cheap, it was a cash sale. It rained awful this evening, we didn’t get to Omer Schilling dance at Oak Groves Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where going to the Rod & Gun Club House, but didn’t get there, either, they posponed [sic] it till Sun. nite.
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