Another hot day. Bert [Bertille] canned pickles from Rose [Rosalia] & 1 1/2 peaches. Have spring chicken dinner. Eggs 17 [cents]. Wheat .60 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve. threshed oats at there place today. Bill [Klein] came from threshing at Cortners finished this afternoon, got our potatoes & onion. Al. Karban came awhile, came to Hecker to get ice.
Wednesday, July 6, 1938
Pap came to Leo’s threshing had them for lunch this morn; he got 391 bus. We stayed for dinner, washed etc. yet. John Horn came out with a Plymouth, trying to trade cars, coming again. We dug about 2 bus. potatoes. Bill [Klein] came down took 2 bus. along late to St. Louis. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. going to thresh oats tomorrow some time. Feurer threshed brought the 3rd; he threshed 204 bus. out our ground, we got 68 bus. Sure hot these days; no rain, everything drying up.
Tuesday, July 5, 1938
Leo got threshers about 5 ‘ o clock; had pitchers, & machine guys for supper. Henry & family helped & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had to help at Frank Birkner’s. Henry finished wheat & oats; got 791 bus. & 45 lbs. wheat, our share 263 [and two-thirds] bu. Nic Papenberg hauled 215 bus. ours to Waterloo mill got 60 – 65 & 62. docked some from 3 to 5 [cents] bu. Harry threshed here 684 bu. we got 228 bu. our share; Weigands got tractor & small outfit.
Saturday, July 2, 1938
Uncle Fred & we went to Waterloo, Uncle traded for a new 1938 Chev. Coupe – allowed $550 for his new Chev. Coupe $744. Pap went out to Henry’s combining oats, yesterday & today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to get there chev. stopped here with it when they came home. Emil was over. New Athens home coming today.
Monday, June 27, 1938
Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s with truck, he hauled coal Bert helped wash; they & Bert all went out to Henry’s, combining again 126 bus. afternoon. Chas. Helfrich came got oats. Emil & Steve Rennecker came over awhile.
Friday, Feb. 25, 1938
Went out to Henrys got load oats, also corn. A fellow here wanted something to eat. Chas. Helfrich got 20 bu. oats 40 [cents] paid $5 today. At 3:30 fire alarm was sound, fire at Harry Kammlers saloon house, chimney, starting in side; not so much damage done. Bert [Bertille] paid electric bill – 18 hrs. $1.39. this mon. Colder this eve. 28 [degrees]
Monday, Jan. 10, 1938
Cloudy all day, we went out to Henry’s butchering, had dinner, finished up about 2 o clock brought load oats along. Went out again for supper; Geoddels also came out, we made gal. ice cream we took the ice & bannanas [sic] along out, played musci [sic]. Ray brought his guitar along. He said Pautlers had big crowd, Neff & Probst’s birthday dance, couple fights he said. Rhenhardts quite [sic – quit] playing musci [sic] now, Ray joined Keim’s Och. now, played first time with them Sat. nite; at Dreamland Palace; have several jobs.
Thursday, July 22, 1937
Nice day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, then went to get Lena & Wilma Birkner, threshing done at Buehler’s. Pap couldn’t go long to help Leo thresh, on account threshing here. Mrs. Mehrmann got the eggs last nite, 10 doz. @ 16¢, they have to go threshing at Skaer’s today. Hogs sure have a good price, $12.95 today. they were $13. this yr. already; everything going up. Rob. Merz & son of Waterloo painted Uncle Fred’s house & granary roof yesterday. Leona, Robert, Billy [Willis] came Bert [Bertille] went along up to Rose [Rosalia] this morn; had dinner, baked pies this morn. had threshers for lunch, got 258 bus. oats. Buehler’s threshing here, brought the lunch up this afternoon, pap had lunch with them.
Tuesday, July 20, 1937
Bert [Bertille] washed ironed & patched. Hy. Feurer is threshing this afternoon, on our ground Acker hauled the third here got 145 bus; he threshed 434 ½ bus. wheat off of 20 acres. & is threshing oats now, on our land also; brought us 70 hrs. oats our share. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile. Henry & family came this eve. Klotz threshing outfit was the only one that didn’t thresh today Chris Buehler said it was still to wet.
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