Uncle Fred is 62 yrs. old today & Uncle Joe 53. Today Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got load oats. We all went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner there, played cards, Jos Keller came out to, for dinner. They all went to Louis Armstutz’s sale at the molasses factory, Kaltwassers estate. Went out to Uncle Freds again, had supper. Buehler’s & Frank & Oscars Birkners family came also, played cards, etc. Beautiful day, getting colder.
Friday, Oct. 16, 1936
Pap helped Henry finished sewing wheat, he had dinner there. Rosalia took the truck out to get load oats; for crushing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. brought pickles up. Omer came awhile to. The Republicans have meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite J. Schmidt & Jess Brown speakers. Bernice got doz. eggs 26¢.
Monday, Sept. 14, 1936
We washed, ironed, pap & Rose went out to Henrys to get a load of oats. Geodelle’s of St. Louis way by them yesterday, digging a porch. Aunt Mary has the picture tray of all her teeth, there are a few on top that isn’t just right, but she didn’t have none pulled over there, he gave her some mouth wash, put it on her gums & teeth also; should help the tongue.
Friday, July 10, 1936
Threshing all day, here for lunch got 218 bus. together wheat (wheat here 72 for 3) & all day out there till 4:30 got (738)1/3 246 share) bus. oats. Boy! some heat. Margaret Mary Myerscough youngest daughter of John Myerscough got the name Sister Mary Angelita. Hy Spalts got baby boy Wed. morn. also Eberhardts nee Katie Keorber last month.
Wednesday, July 8, 1936
Rained a little this morn; still pretty warm. Pap took Whip. to Probst’s got it fixed. Pabst brought 22 bus. wheat & 33 oats today.
Friday, June 19, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s before 5 ‘o clock; had lunch & dinner & finished cutting oats now; at noon, got Emil down & he helped put the binder in the shed; has about 2 hrs. shocking to do yet. Ralph Rausch came & pd. the balance $5. on ball ground there dance was fairly well attended Sun. nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we went to Chester to see Gertie Irose; she sure looks natural & good, she has been in bed for 5 mons; & was terrible sick the last 10 days. Hubert said, had a cancer; she was at the home of Schroeder Ambulance & Undertaker, they are remodeling the parlor at present time; When we got to Chester, the shift gears wouldn’t work on our car, got it repaired at Chester Cowell’s garage. Walter Gregson were down, & McDermott, Doyl’s May’s. The crops don’t look so good down there. Leo Orlet of Paderborn, stopped in while in town this evening.
Wednesday, June 17, 1936
We all went out to Henrys, all day, came home for supper. Rose went home at noon to feed; Finished cutting wheat & started oats. We washed, ironed out there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. they were at Mrs. Benedick funeral, Grandsons carried her, Benedick, Oscar, Bill & Henry Birkner, Roy Gregson, Ben Schilling; Awful hot day.
Sunday, April 26, 1936
Nice day. Porter Braun Chev. sales agent was here and pap went along to Uncle Freds; Wm. C. Voges was here wanted to buy oats but said 40¢ bu. was to much. Austin McDermott, comitteman [sic] on the A.A.A. project was here yesterday evening; getting the people to sign. Pap & Uncle Fred went to Belleville then to New Athens, Chev. Dealers; & we Aunt Mary went out to Henry’s to see Floyd he is sitting up now; drawing pictures. We went to Oak Grove tonite to J. Cody’s farewell dance, free, big crowd present; he is going to start farming on his place again & Joseph of Bursksville is coming at Oak Grove, going to have opening dance May 10, they say. Chas. Guebert south of Hecker, died this morn; blood poisoining [sic], just since Easter Sun. will be buried Tues. afternoon, Round Prairie Cemetery, he was middle aged.
Monday, April 20, 1936
We washed, ironed. Beautiful day, little wind. Pap went out to Henry’s, helped fill ground around the house, had dinner. Dr. Wagner came wanted to get oats, but papa wasn’t at home. Louis Braun came & paid $15. for ball ground, for last year’s.
Friday, April 17, 1936
Pap had dinner at Henry’s again, finished all but 1 load for Henry yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she was by Staufenbiel’s & he got load rock in woods, & cut his lawn across the street, we cleaned dining room & kitchen. Zita Carrol is going to move her furniture over to E. St. Louis tomorrow, Eichenseer’s truck. Mr. Fred Grohmann of Douglas shot himself Thurs. evening going to be buried tomorrow, leaves his wife Annie nee (Herzog) & 5 sons; all of around Smithon [sic]. Mr. Ed Rehling has a new plymouth sedan; Dr. Wagner was here wanted to get about 6 bus. oats, this evening maybe, when pap home.
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