Friday, Aug. 9, 1935

Mr. Jim Parker is being buried this morning but none of us can go, we have to go to Henry’s threshing, oats; the grandsons were pallbearers; 3 of Geo Parker’s, & Paul & Clyde Pautler & Hy. Birkner; the daughter, Sister Amada was also home; came Thurs.; it was an awful large funeral. Henry had threshers for dinner & lunch, & supper; moved here about 4 o’clock. Klotz & Watchel machine threshed this & Geo. Schilling moved onto Blackburn’s. Henry threshed altogether 1108 bus; 394 bus. here & 714 out there, highest oats threshed so far; we got for our share 369 bus. Pabsts bought oats 47 bus.

Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1935

Baked bread, had chicken dressing. Papa took lawn mower to Fritsche to get it repaired. Evansville church, & Tipton church have pinics [sic] today; & chicken suppers. Loyd Pabst came got sacks, threshing oats today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Belleville came back here for dinner had chicken. Sure is hot this afternoon & day. Mrs. Emma Altis of St. Louis Mo. died, be buried tomorrow afternoon, she was a Freese, Uncle Fred niece; & Mr. Jim Parker 85 died last nite at 5:30; be buried Fri. morning at Hecker Church & cemetery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to the wake, he looks natural. Koch undertaker, he would be 86 in Sept. Aunt Mary brought plums.

Wednesday, July 3, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s again help with the oats. We cut in 2 gals. & 10 qts. cabbage this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up; him & Rose went out to Henry’s, helped put binder in shed, is finished for this year. Ignat Mosbacher stopped to see papa but he wasn’t home. We cut lawn, pulled peas out, picked beans, canned, 1 qt.

Saturday, June 29, 1935

Henry & Emil came finished cutting wheat & started the oats; but it rained, so they finished shocking; had lunches & dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Chas. Wagner were here on business. Rose & Berti went to Armin Strokis barn dance 1½ south of Waterloo, with Mike Moonlighters played. & Boy! what is hot; & nice crowd, barn, 60 x 24 new one.

Thursday, April 4, 1935

Papa went out to Levi Ganley’s, & stopped at Henry’s; he came up & plowed the orchard, & potato ground; had dinner & lunch here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon, worked up here, Rose cut her striped dress & sew some this afternoon. We got 50 cabbage plants from Manier’s set them out this evening, surely are nice. Mr. Allan Mudd & his mother & Mrs. Phil Purtle of Red Bud stopped in & solcited [sic] for euchre prize, & selling chances on a hooked rug; we took one. Henry took load hay along home. Uncle Adam & Emil came awhile about 1 hr; paid for there oats 6½ bus. & 60¢..Mr. Herman Straub & wife of near Burksville, on Bozzoy place came & looked at the binder. The old officers of Road Dis. 3 were reelected; difference of 8 votes, Melching & Hoffmann, & Vogt & Wirth. John Heiken received it by 25 votes, in Reheis etc District through there.

Thursday, March 21, 1935

Cloudy & colder this morning. Some spring day. Papa went out to Henry’s sowing oats; finished 38 acres; had dinner there. Dyed Bertie’s coat this afternoon navy blue. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, Bertie & her went to the quilting, City Hall Firemen’s quilt; 3 of them, Clara Wagner & O. Lauts & Mrs. Kessler’s & L. Boll & Mrs. Ahrens; lot ladies helping to quilt, day & night. There was a terrible sand storm in southern states, all blowing over this way now, cloudy & hazy; here smoky. Eggs 17¢.

Wednesday, March 20, 1935

Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped finish & clean up, had dinner there. Papa helped Henry sow oats had dinner out there. We made garden, put out onions etc.; awful warm. Melvin Wagner was over, Chas & Bernice are both sick in bed, with fever & bad cold. Dr. Eckert was there this afternoon & night. Mr. John Armbruster & Lillian had a collision on the Freeburg hard road, she is in hospital, & he is also pretty bad. We went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also were up, went to church.

Monday, March 18, 1935

Henry & Albert Cleveland are up sowing oats; today, had dinner here. Papa helped to harrow; finished up today, up here. We washed, ironed; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening. Sold 17 doz. eggs today for 17¢ doz. Rosalia is sewing Robert a shirt.

Thursday, March 14, 1935

Cleaned front room & bedroom. George Boll was here wanted to buy oats. Having warm weather, & windy.

Tuesday, March 5, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s, also Ivo Rapp he got 20 bus. oats, @ 60¢, just sacked them up & weighed them didn’t take them along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went to the Catholic euchre, was an awful large crowd at the euchre, 33 tables, a quilt was raffled away. We went to Brezzy Hill, to a dance, last before lent, Pals Harmony played musci [sic], not much of a crowd; to much doing tonight, all over something. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on the quilt to be raffled.