Rosalia & Bertille went to Waterloo & Leona & kids, to the dentist. Leona is getting her’s fixed too now. Louis Rheischiner [?] & son Bill where here & looked at the horses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here this afternoon & then went down to Adam Eckerts’ threshing oats. They came back this evening again. Eggs are 10¢.
Friday, July 15, 1932
We all went out to Henry’s, they had the threshers there for oats, had a few for lunch & all for dinner got 590 bu. oats, from there they went to Ganley’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t be there, – they had to go by Oscar’s & Ronnenberg’s & Franks. This evening they came up then we all went to Frank Degenhardt’s wake; he was 57 yrs. old the funeral will first be Mon. morning. Mr. Licht the insurance man was here this evening. There was a bunch went on a Excursion boat trip today, Hepp’s, Moeher’s, etc.
Wednesday, July 13, 1932
Papa has to go down to Ed. Pabst, they are going to thresh this morning after 9 o clock, he has to haul his third home. He hauled one load before dinner & 1 after, we got 55 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up she brought her patching along & we help her. Henry came up to see how far the threshers where. Ed Meng & Hy. Armstutz where here this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary got a call to come to Buehler’s threshing oats.
Friday, April 1, 1932
We cleaned the little chick house. Papa went out to Henry’s, help sew oats. He was there for dinner. We set 5 hens again last nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are up again this afternoon making garden. Mrs. Stricker, Mr. Kumke are being buried at Red Bud this afternoon. Rosalia & Bertille had lunch at Aunt Mary’s, helped them make garden. Hy. Armstutz was there awhile too. Papa went to Red Bud to inquire from Wn. Cowell about insurance. Mr. Wise insurance agent for the Ill. State Auto Association, was here trying to insure papa in that Auto company, he & Henry both joined, payed $12.00 now, it is a jubilee, so it is cheaper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry where here listening to him talk. Ed. Neff was here & told papa that Auto Co. was shake, him & Phil Braun where to be the represtative [sic] of Hecker, but they both went in to see Harry Jackons this evening yet, they are going to with draw now they said so Papa & Henry will to, but wither [sic] they get there $12.00 back, will find out later. A good many people from around here joined it.
Thursday, March 31, 1932
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker all night last, & part today. She went to church this morning high mass, Fr. Jubillee 20th. there where 3 strange priests. Adam Braun & Melching where here electioneering him & Joe Brauch running for road commissioner. Papa went out to help Henry sow oats, there for dinner. We made quite a lot of garden, but is rather cold, eggs are still 9¢. The School children are having a free play tonite, all free. We had lettuce for supper, it is good.
Tuesday, March 29, 1932
We washed, ironed, patched. The wind is so strong, it blew our clothes line to pieces. Papa went out to Henry’s with the mule, helped Henry harrow & sow oats. He had dinner there. Rosalia went & got him this evening with the Whippet. The sewing circle of Red Bud Catholic Church is giving a card party tonite. There is also one in Waterloo given by Mary & Martha Society. Seen in the paper, Mrs. Val. Fristche was suing Wm. Klotz for $10,000 for accident of him & Val Fritche in Smithon [sic] & Hecker road. Ben Neff’s had a big dance Sun. nite, being Mr. Neffs, 53 birthday. Mr. Hy. Burdhorf of Red Bud told Eliza Boll this evening that Mon. was Mrs. Burgdorf’s birthday, & that they have a daughter living far away I believe Montana, she called her & congratulation her mother, it was 2200 mile distant talk, & Mrs. was so happy she cried for joy.
Tuesday, March 1, 1932
We worked on our quilt most of today. Papa went out again to Henry’s to help him sew oats, 12 bus. but it started raining about 3 oclock, so they had to quit, he was there for dinner. One of our sows died, & Rosalia went down to Eliza Boll’s & telephoned to Johnson Rendering Works at Belleville to get it, him & Romi Meng helped yet to get it, it was sick for a couple of weeks, due to vaccainating [sic]. It was rather cold today.
Monday, Feb. 29, 1932
Papa went out to help Henry sewed oats, 29 bus. they sewed, he was there for dinner. We washed, ironed, patched, planted 2 lbs. onion sets, radishes, peas & lettuce, made garden. Albert Tomphson was here this evening & got 25 doz. eggs at 16¢ to set, he took it out to Geo. Roths & getting them hatched. Bertille took some flowers up to Mamie for her to plant out.
Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1932
The groundhog didn’t see his shadow today so we have spring weather. We went to Red Bud to Hellmers funeral this morn. George Wagner came over when we came home & told us Leona was ringing for us. Steve was over this afternoon awhile. Henry brought a load of corn up & took his oats along home. The Ellis Grove Bank was turned over to Chester last Sat. Steve was here again this eve. we played pinochle. Leslie Siebert the Eddleman Bread driver this morn. tried to fire the furnace at his home with gasoline & he caught on fire, his hands, & clothing where burned severely.
Thursday, August 13, 1931
There is a sale at Ruma this afternoon. Papa went & took Ed. Meng along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also went, they didn’t stay very long, & went over to Christ Buehler’s threshing oats today. In the evening they came back here again, then we all went out to Roy Satanfbiel, Hilda’s birthday, Adam Eckerts, Charles Coop’s, where all there. Ice cream, cake, lemonade, where the refreshments served. It is Also Eunice Blackburn’s birthday.
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