Monday, August 10, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn – they where here for lunch, dinner, lunch & supper.  We threshed this afternoon.  Leona & kids came up to, we had them all for lunch.  We threshed 91½ bus. wheat & Henry threshed 658 bus. oats.  We got altogether, 218 from Henry, 43 bus. Pabst, & 17 from Armstutz.

Monday, August 3, 1931

We all drove to Belleville this morning & sold some sp. chickens for 20¢ & eggs for 20¢.  Adam Eckert’s are moving out today.  Yesterday was Smithton Homecoming & Singer fest in Millstadt but I guess the rain spoiled it all.  Ed Pabst was here & brought our oats up, 43 bus.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for supper this evening, they came from Eckert up here.  We had spring chicken supper.  We got 1 can of pickles now.

Wednesday, July 29, 1931

This morning & this afternoon while it was cool we finished digging our potatoes.  This eve- we went down & cleaned at the cemetery, the hogs has been in there & got everything messed up for Armbruster’s lot & Monike’s lot.  From there we drove over to Aunt Mary’s, but they where at Oscar Birkner’s threshing oats, so we went back home again.

Saturday, July 11, 1931

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again today to help haul oats bundles in the loft.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this morning, they where here for dinner, lunch.  He went to Red Bud.  We had cucumber salad for dinner.  Papa & Rosalia where out at Henry’s for lunch, dinner.  There was a man here selling different things for the orphans at Belleville & also two men from St. Louis, to see if we had any eggs for sale.  Jake Friedrich has another barn dance this evening.

Saturday, July 4, 1931

Today the machines go, there is Homecoming at New Athens, & Circus at Belleville.  Papa went down to see Ed. Pabst’s, this morning to see the crops there.  He bought 12 tiling from the town for 60¢.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, we all had lunch there & this evening we sat on there porch, watching fireworks at New Athen’s & at George Wagner’s.  We had music & singing.  Joe Schilling finished threshing today & pulled out in the prariere [sic-prairie] are up by Paderborn.  He threshed 2214 bus, with oats & wheat.

Saturday, June 27, 1931

Henry & Emil had lunch, dinner, lunch here.  Hy. Armstutz was also here for dinner he helped to schock some today.  Henry cut his oats for him too, & he smashed the binder all to pieces, he says he won’t be able to cut his at home anymore with it.  He is finished up here now.  Karl Boll & Marcella Ettling are being married & gave a dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona all went, but we didn’t.  Bill Herzog furnished the musci [sic], they say it sure was some bum wedding dance, not many people, all was outside.  She was dressed with a white dress & hat, shoes & pale pink stockings.  Buddy & a girl from St. Louis where the attendants.  We all went over to Rennecker’s this evening, Jake Klein’s family where also there, celebrating Steve’s birthday.  He got a 1 gal. ice cream & Oh Boy was it good in hot weather?

Sunday, July 27, 1930

They were all up for church this morning.  This afternoon we went to Millstadt to hear the singers.  It was Saengerfest Picnic.  We met Frank Dudenhoeffer, his wife & George, Peter Reheis & Jas. Reheis, Oscar Birkners, Adam Eckerts.  From Millstadt we went to the Club House, there we had chicken supper.  They had a tarpaulin laid to dance on.  There were a lot of people there.  When we came home Henry just came out from our house.  But he came back again, he wanted to know where that club house was, but they went back home again.  Last Sunday the Millstadt ball team played with Hecker here.  The score was 19 to 2 in favor of Hecker.  Rex Rapp made a home run.  Today they are playing with a St. Louis team.  I seen in the paper that Henry S. Braun threshed 1800 bus. of wheat & 1500 bus. of oats.

Friday, January 24, 1930

Papa and Henry were hauling oats from Pabst place to Henry’s.  Aunt Mary called up today.  Rosalia had to go over to Rheinecker’s to answer.  Rosalia found 1 egg.  Emil bought some oats this morning.  The weather is nice and warm today.