Washed ironed, canned pickles, apples, peaches; made peach preserve. Mauff bought bu. peaches for $1. No threshing today. Hy Wiegand was down by tractor. Pautler oil man delivered 5 gal here for Wittenauers. Awful hot this afternoon. Bill [Klein] came pap went along out to Walter Wittenauers, trying to sell him a tractor, he just bought one on Sat. from Mertz don’t think it works very good; the way they said.
Sunday, April 2, 1939
Went to first mass recived [sic] palms. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to New Hanover to see about Wyandott eggs from Kettler, ordered them for next Mon; also stopped at the oil well on Gumersheimer farm working fast; lot people there.
Tuesday, August 25, 1931
Our company had breakfast , & stay a little while then left for Ben Neff’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where also over here. Henry was here for lunch this morning. He was also here for dinner, lunch supper. Ed Pautler the oil man was here too, he brought Henry some oil up here. I seen in the paper that Joe Mueth & that married Ben Neff’s daughter Minnie have a little baby girl born last Friday, it is the first born. Frances Eichenseer’s wife of Belleville is under going medical attention at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Clarence Wiegand’s wife of near Smithon [sic] is also at the hospital, they also have a little baby girl, first child. George Neff is sick with the dropsy, has changed doctors, 3 one already, he is by Osies now. The way they say everything was free last night, played euchre free, ice cream & soda, & dancing all free. We went down to the cemetery this evening, it just looks awful there, they started yesterday, today they never plowed they just took the tombstones & rocks & haul them out, some of them back of the house. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was there too, we took the rose bushes what was left on the grave along home, but only 2 we got.
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