Bert [Bertille] helped Rose [Rosalia] washed & ironed etc. Came home this eve. went along back again. Threshing here today & tomorrow. Wiegand’s outfit. Mrs. Martin Sauzek was buried at Paderborn this morn. Walter Stahl & Mrs. Miller were buried yesterday afternoon. Aruelia Sauzek the daughter was taken to hospital also Sun. even couldn’t even be at the funeral.
Monday, May 6, 1935
We washed, hung it in the basement, cleaned chick house. Went out to Henry’s this afternoon, finished the front room, put wax floor & furniture, beat the rug etc. Emil was down awhile. Uncle Adam’s birthday 86 yrs old; girls were home yesterday he said. Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle came out, Henry has a sick heifer. Eggs 21¢. Rose took old hens to Eichenseers, got 16¢ for 6 – .08 for 1. Hy Volkmann is pretty sick, has double pneoumiana [sic], have a nurse there now at nights; no one is allowed in, only the ones that take care of him. Tiptown parish is giving euchre tonite. Mrs. Neff is getting buried this morning, from the home of Ben Neff to Paderborn, church & cemetery; that is his mother, also Mrs. Joe Schilling.
Friday, Jan. 15, 1932
Today Father Sonnen gets buried, mass at E. St. Louis & out to Paderborn Cemetery. It rained hard last nite & colder this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are supposed to go to Jac. Urlet to a birthday dance, he is to play. There was a lady around selling magzaines [sic-magazines]. Papa fixed a little bench today.
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