Tuesday, May 4, 1937

We washed, ironed patched, rain & heavy showers & hail, this afternoon & eve; we planted cabbage & sweet potatoes plants out; Request card for Jim & Dick to play a No. for paps birthday came over radio today. A guy here selling apple, took pk. 45¢. Chas. Helfrich & son got load hay $11.00 & 17 bus. oats @ 60¢ & wheat 1½ @ $1.27; all feed for his stock & chickens, he is going to move on Mrs. Wihelms farm, by Red Bud. Eichenseers are in  & Co. are having a Purina Meeting & Show at Kammlers free tonite, “Hidden Harvest,” we seen it last year at Red Bud; were pap got 25 chicks attendance prize. tonite they are giving as prizes 2 – 25 lb. sacks purina feed & dairy hopper. We went to the show, pretty nice crowd hall filled for conditions of weather. Ed. Parker & Adam Brauns won the feed & Al. Cleveland the hopper.

Thursday, April 22, 1937

Beautiful day, pap went in woods this afternoon cut posts for hay floor. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came cut lawn. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, Jake was also there, we got 4 settings of eggs @ 19¢. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room waxed floor etc, cut lawn. Pap went over to Meng’s got cap for wagon wheel, he had lost his & found again by Geo. Parkers; the last time when he was in the woods that happened yesterday the wheel came of [off] by the gate.

Monday, April 12, 1937

Washed, so windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came on business. Ed. Parker got the stove lifter we brought along from Columbia; Eggs 20¢. Cloudy this afternoon.

Monday, Dec. 21, 1936

We butchered 1 hog & Uncle Fred; 240 lbs got it from Geo. Parker’s, the top is $10.35 today, on radio. Henry family helped. A fellow here wanted to sell rugs. Adolph Schaeffer & John stopped, brought the grindstone & table here. Steve Rennecker butchered today also. Eggs. 28¢. Awful nice day, ground sloppy.

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1936

We washed, ironed, baked molasses cookies. Pap went in woods all day, brought load along home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Kessler’s & Geo Parker’s looking for hog to butcher next Mon. here, got one at Parkers. Sure beautiful weather.

Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1936

Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped them get things ready for pinic [sic], & chickens etc. Pap came out for dinner & then went to Jac. Dugan’s sale by Burksville; We came home after dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up to pinic [sic] at 2 o’clock. We had a nice shower rain this afternoon. Armin Mier of Broad Hollow has sale this afternoon also. Went to the Church pinic [sic], but didn’t win anything. Annie Braun won the stove; quilt, H. Schwagel Smithton, $3 P. Hamacher; Bed Spread, F. Miller, cold packer, Ethel Parker, quilt – St. Louis. $2 Fr. Teonjes Paderborn, quilt, L. Schneider, $5 cash, St. Louis. 48 lb. flour. Waterloo. Josie Keller was out, was here also.

Saturday, July 25, 1936

Pretty warm & windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came him & papa went to Nobbe’s at Waterloo & got the new 1936 Chev. coupe, then went out to the sale, we also went took Aunt Mary along to Joe Schilling’s sale, had such a crowd & all bought a good price. Ed. Parker got the piano $25. C. Myerscough the radio $5. Uncle Fred & pap went to see Jac Erle, about Ins. on his new car; green all modern, very pretty car. Manier has a fish fry.

Wednesday, June 3, 1936

Clarence Braun & fellow that stays at Weber’s got the horse he rode him home, comes from Ark. last week, & is working for Weber now. Pap & Rose went to Red Bud to see Zipfel about little chixs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came worked the garden etc, has a good heavy rain last nite, surely was nice, but lot of wind, broke some trees down by Hills & Renneker’s; not here. Henry came up cut clover hay this afternoon, had lunch. Rose & Bert went to Geo. Wagners to coffee demonstration; for supper, those present were all invited guests, Mrs. Geo. Harry & Elmer Kammlers, Mrs Pickett, Mrs. Chas. & Milton Wagner, Mrs. Bill Probst, Lena Meng, Mr. & Mrs. Mehrmann, Mrs. Laut, few ordered the coffee 2 lbs. 67¢, Mrs. Geo. Kammler is going to give a supper on June 17, at her place. Olivia Laut had one to at 1:30 this afternoon for invited guests; also. Bert went to Renneker’s got pt. honey for Henry, seen her coffee dripper & bowls she got. Mrs. Pickett won door prize at Wagner’s, a bowl. We went out to Ed. Parkers to see about chixs, didn’t take none, then went to Heyl’s Hatchery in Waterloo & got 149 chix, $6.50 100, mixed.

Saturday, May 23, 1936

Henry & Rob. Grover making hay, had dinner here. Mrs. C. Guebert has sale & Hubers have a sale this afternoon; nice day. Mary Mathews has birthday dance at Kammlers tonite, Ed. Mueth has one at New Athens, Brun’s boys, playing One at Log Cabin, by Red Bud Webers Orch. Lipperts has barn dance. Mrs. L. Sauer has Pautlers, Rythmn [sic] Kings. Och; so many tonite. It is Gertie Cortner’s birthday today. We went Mary’s dance here nice crowd, good time. Henry broke the axle on his wagon by Geo. Parkers going home with load hay, took 2 loads home.

Friday, May 22, 1936

Henry & Rob. came raked hay, we helped put 1 load in & he took 1 home; had dinner here. Hodges of Marissa was here Wed. to collect his money to pay the other guy Anderson for colt – $8.00 they paid, he wanted $12 first; that is the guy Henry got the team mares from, his all have colts now, 9 head horses & mules on his place. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this evening, they were at Ed. Parkers; his boy fell & broke his arm; & Ed Cortner’s girl broke her arm also. We got a letter sent from Blanche Crowe for graduating exercises to be on 29.